ok, I’m 24F and fairly sexually experienced, but I recently experienced a dynamic in the bedroom that I have never encountered before, and it’s left me feeling confused and weird. I feel SO silly for everything I am about to write, but I am genuinely hoping for some perspective here.

I was recently seeing a guy (25M) that progressed to 6 dates. Despite our (immediate!) chemistry and sexual tension, things did not get super physical until date 4, when he put his hand down my pants while we were making out on his bed. I was on my period, so things stopped there. 5th date, things escalated to him actually fingering me while I rubbed his dick (all clothes still on). We did this for a prolonged period of time until I explicitly told him I would like to have sex (I finally realized it wasn’t going to happen otherwise). Our clothes finally came off and it was great! He complimented by body and said he was really attracted to me.
6th date—things started out the exact same way. Touching each other while our clothes remained on. This time, however, I wasn’t super in the mood to progress to sex, so I wasn’t vocal about wanting it. He had been fingering me and it wasn’t really doing much for me, so when he asked if it was, I told him it felt good but he could stop. I knew I wouldn’t be getting off from it and I was, in my mind, giving him a nice out. I assumed his hand had to be tired, and I didn’t want him to feel like he had to keep going knowing I wasn’t going to get off no matter how long he kept going. Soon after, we stopped fooling around and went back to watching TV and cuddling. I stayed the night and was feeling more in the mood before going to sleep, so before crawling into bed with him I stripped down to just my underwear. He remained in his basketball shorts. He spooned me for maybe 2 minutes, said nothing, then turned his back and slept as far away from me as possible for the rest of the night. It was only when were both officially awake the next morning that we touched intimately again. We cuddled for a few minutes, he started grinding against me, then eventually pulled his underwear and shorts down, to which I responded by giving him head. Again, nothing was really said the entire time. And that was… it. I left shortly after and feel SO weird about all of it. We haven’t really had any communication since (3 days), despite us both explicitly stating that night that we like each other.

I’ve definitely never had a guy be so respectful of my physical boundaries, so I will say that unfamiliarity definitely led to my hesitation to have sex this last time. And by that I mean: every time I have had sex with a new guy, like clockwork, they position themselves on top of me and take my clothes off while we are making out, then ask (hopefully) if I want to have sex. It does turn me on to know how badly someone desires me. This has been the first time I’ve experienced a guy not being vocal or forward at all about wanting it. I’ve definitely never experienced a guy not jumping to have sex with me when I’m naked in bed.

Can someone please help give me perspective on this. Did I do something wrong? I feel like I definitely could have fucked up by telling him he could stop fingering me. But his lack of communication/initiation truly did make me feel slightly put-off. Like I just didn’t feel desired. Am I crazy for feeling this way?? Have I just been with too many sexual partners who aren’t respectful? I feel so perplexed 😅

1 comment
  1. I think you telling him to stop definitely turned him off resulting in him acting like a baby briefly by turning away from you & staying as far away of you on the bed as possible. But if you’re not feeling it then you’re not feeling it. It’s funny because I know what it’s like to be in your shoes lol it’s usually the girl undressing me for sex. I’m very respectful like him so I’ll wait which leads to me being undressed haha

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