So I haven’t been very lucky with dating. But I saw a girl on tinder who is gorgeous and smart so I DM’d her on the instagram which she left on her tinder profile.

Unfortunately I can’t attach a screenshot so I will just have to quote the chat:

Me: Hi…! how are you?

My name is …, I’m 25 and live in … where I work as a doctor

I came across your profile on Tinder and think you’re pretty!

I was wondering if you’d like to join me for a coffee some time? I’d really like that! I know a place that makes amazing coffee and delicious pastries!

Her: Hello. I’m good, you?

She liked my comment re the pastries (lol) so I think she’s interested, otherwise she would have just ignored the message.

This girl seems great and I really don’t want to mess this up. I’d appreciate advice on how I should respond to keep the chat alive, rather than just with ‘I am good, thank you.’

  1. Use something personal (not her looks) to continue the conversation. I get messages everyday that say something about my appearance and they really bore me. A message that shows a man has spent some time reading my profile (I know this is Instagram) really excites me! Good luck!

  2. Not following the chat well. Can you follow up by asking for a when/where on the date since you already asked? You don’t have to say what’s already in your profile either. Small talk and ask if they want to meet.

  3. What exactly is the context of stating you’re a doctor in your very first message? Are you trying to imply salary, status etc? At least that’s what it comes across as, and the whole “I want to meet you because you’re so pretty” comes off as a bit shallow to me, meet someone because your interests align, you are genuinely invested in them one way or another, not solely because she’s a pretty face

  4. Def pick some days + times you’re free and then ask outright if she’s free those days…maybe something short and honest? I’m def a get to it type person and I hate texting so I’d say something like this:

    Hey I’m honestly not a big texter, so would you want to try that coffee place Tuesday at 6pm? Or is there a better day/time you’re free?

    That way you can move past the blah blah and let her know you’re looking for a get together. She should have replied to you more like “oh what coffee place? Do you have a time/day you’re free?”
    But since she just acknowledged you, basically saying she’s down to meet you, you still need to give her some time/day options to lock down a time since she didn’t present you with any specifics. Best of luck OP!!!!

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