What kind of non-sexual intimacy do you like?

  1. Letting me sleep… Nothing hotter than leaving me alone when I’m tired from work.

  2. I like being able to take off the psychological armor I wear to get along in society.

  3. Touch.

    Hugs, kisses, snuggles, running a hand along my back when you walk by, head scratches, using my lap as a pillow, massages, quick makeouts that don’t escalate, caressing a cheek, randomly slow dancing, literally anything that puts my body into contact with my partner’s body that isn’t violence.

    Also quality time. Gaming, chatting, watching a movie, working on a project, anything cooperative, competitive, or even just done in parallel to each other. Sitting on a call with each other in complete silence and reading completely different books together is still intimate to me

  4. I love when we’re on the couch, watching a movie or TV, and she’s lying down with her feet/legs in my lap.

  5. Cuddling, hugging… But of course that can turn into something sexual as well. But I also love non-sexual hugs and cuddles. <3

  6. Watching shows together. Watching sports games together. Playing phone games together. Going to the comic book store together because that’s what he’s into. Googling everything we don’t know when it comes up in conversation and laughing about how wrong we were or how dumb we are collectively. Sharing our knowledge of serial killers and what they’re known for. Sitting and talking, always while sitting intertwined like pretzels. Having a “funniest story or meme” of the day competition and topping each other with the tomfoolery we’ve seen while apart for the day. Taking turns playing songs we love, especially throw backs. Seeing who can rap more Eminem songs most accurately. Playing 1 on 1 basketball or having free throw competitions. Pretending to drown each other in the pool. Eye staring contests. Making fun of what our future children will be like if they’re anything like either of us. “I bet you can’t do this” competitions. Attending either of our (we each have one child from previous relationships) children’s sporting events. Showering together and talking while washing each other’s bodies in a nonsexual way, also singing shower duets. Wiping each other’s eyes and boogers then using a different finger to pretend we’re shoving it in their mouth. Picking outfits for one of us when one is going out and the other isn’t. Looking up past cartoons we grew up on to see if the other knows it. Texting “thinking of you” when either of us are busy and not expecting an immediate response. Googling “the word of the day” and seeing who can work it into a sentence first. Debating who is stinkier or a bigger suck (jokingly, of course). Starting every morning and every every night we can together (our schedules with our kids permitting). I’m 30 and he’s 36.

    TL;DR – Anything that lets us be grown ass kids together, really, because it strengthens our friendship which in turns strengthens everything about us. Nothing better than that.

  7. Listening to music together. Like REALLY listening.

    Laying down together and just listening to stuff we like and taking it all in.

  8. just showing up and texting or talking or eye contact or anything man.

    just notice i exist is pretty much enough to make me submissive

  9. Laying in bed reading news headlines and sharing them with each other. Or driving on a road trip and discussing an issue, especially one we have differing opinions on and try to get the other person to see our point of view a bit more clearly. Not as an argument, just a respectful presentation of opinion and facts. Love it!

  10. Just laying on their lap or chest and having them play with my hair it just gives me a really nice feeling

  11. Hugs, cuddling, going for walks, long conversations etc. Little things that I want to happen.

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