So my voice quite often quivers or sounds like it shouldn’t be. Sometimes I end up sounding like someone has beaten me up and I am whimpering. I want to sound Confident. Any tips.

  1. Force more air into your words or try screaming into your pillow, sometimes feels good to let it all out onto a pillow and sound loud and massive while you’re at it

  2. I have this too, usually when I have to speak for a class or something I literally sound like I’m crying cuz of how shaky my voice gets. It sounds stupid and too simple but breath. I try to speak as fast as possible subconsciously and make the speech sound “professional” so I literally run out of breath. Recently what’s helped me is pretending to think it’s not a big deal, like just putting on a fake persona and acting nonchalant is easier to me then actually not worrying about it so much that I’m a nervous wreck😂🥲 it gets better tho, I had a class where we had to present every few weeks and it really did become not that big of an issue anymore. So unfortunately we do need to just get out there and practice

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