I’m totally new and inexperienced with dating and would like some reference points for when the rest of you guys had the exclusivity/bf/gf talk.

  1. Probably in the first hour of texting. Told him I’m looking for something serious that might lead somewhere serious and I only talk to one guy at a time. He was like ok cool me too. I was 29 he was 33 when we met

  2. Two weeks after we matched on Hinge. He told me he deleted the app right after our first date and then asked me to be exclusive on date 2 🙂

  3. After date 3. I let him know that I wasn’t dating anyone else, nor did I want to, and asked him how he felt about that. He said he felt the same and we just agreed that meant we were exclusive.

  4. 3 months in is when I brought it up and we started dating exclusively. We already were not talking to other people beforehand lol since we clicked pretty well.

    But take your time. Everyone is different. I was 3 months. My friend was 7-8 months. My other friend was about 4 months.

  5. the day after we met, i asked him to be my boyfriend. it’s been just under 7 months now

  6. Everyone treats it differently. I wanted to ask my bf to be exclusive after the third date but didn’t want to scared him off so I thought I would wait for a month, but on the fifth date he asked me to be his gf 🙂

  7. After a month of dating, although we were both very sure from the beginning and maybe could have done it earlier. We’ve been together for seven months. Both end 30s.

  8. We didn’t talk about it. Once we started dating we were just exclusive with each other. Then after a month and a half of dating I moved in with her. Then 3 months after I moved in with her I proposed.

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