I love my boyfriend so much, we are each other’s first loves and real relationships. We have been dating for 1.5 years. I seriously want things to work and for us to end up together. He overall treats me well and puts up with how annoying I can be.

When I say “serious” in the title I mean in the way that he considers our future together. I do not mean any type of proposal, I personally do not want to get married until maybe mid to late 20s.

Anyways, I’m not interested in dating just for “fun”, I know sometimes relationships don’t work out but I don’t want to waste time being with someone if they don’t see a future with me at all (if they change their mind later on that’s different).

We have talked about some future things together, like parenting styles, what we want to do with our lives later in life, etc. We just haven’t really said it specifically about OUR relationship, like for example, we don’t say “when WE have kids”. We kind of just talk about it generally and sometimes he asks me those questions (it’s not just me).

However, I know we are young and I in no way would want kids right now, but sometimes I feel like he’s not super serious about me, we have talked about things that have to do within in the next few years together but not farther in the future than that.

I guess we are just taking things one step at a time… but would it be bad if I genuinely just asked him how serious he is about me? Im just not sure how to word that kind of question to him without sounding crazy. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!

TL;DR : not sure if my boyfriend (M21) really sees a long-term future with me (F20)… how can I ask him if he does without coming off crazy? or should I not ask at all?

1 comment
  1. Like you said. You are not interested in getting serious about marriage until late 20s. You have a lot to experience between now and then. You should be more concerned about whether he is someone you would like to spend the rest of you live with over what his feelings and intentions are. These days late 20s can be early for marriage depending on where you are at in life. Take your time and choose a partner wisely. Make sure you are compatible on many levels. Don’t fall in love with the feeling of being wanted and needed, instead fall in love with someone who sees and brings out the best in you. Good luck.

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