I want to go back to the times where I used to wrestle with my dad, throw jokes at each other and have fun like friends. As I grew older I got more sensitive about who I am, insecurities grew bigger and I am now much more less confident.

I’ve stopped smoking weed after 6 years now, sometimes I feel like thats the blameable part of aspect in my life for the changes Im experiencing. (For those who don’t know what I mean by this, I am an over-thinker and deep realisation trips after smoking by myself got me really bad, at one point it brought me depression and I’ve heard this is possible for some people).

Anyways I want to understand myself, why I get so shy as I grow older, what factors can causes one to lose confidence in their appearance/charisma/aura.

… 🙁

  1. This is called growing up… you become less carefree as responsibilities of life start to build up. You’re getting too deep with the why and how of a normal part of life- growth. You’re shaping into the person you are while growing. We don’t stay the same our whole life

  2. Yeah me too!! I thought I was the only one… it really sucks. I used to be best friends with him as a kid but now that he works all day it’s kinda weird and I don’t get to spent much time with him

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