What will you do if one day you woke up and found out that you don’t have any sexual desire for the rest of your life?

  1. Thank God. I could actually have the relationship I want, with a woman. Unfortunately, my sexual desire is mostly for men 😬 and i try my hardest to ignore it

  2. Keep living my life. I have chosen celibacy quite a few times simply due to not wanting to be bothered with men. It wouldn’t be a big deal to me at all.

  3. That wouldn’t happen. But if it did, I would tell my partner the truth and be prepared to be dumped.

  4. I don’t really have that much sexual desire now. So it wouldn’t be that different and not a big deal to me

  5. I would feel disappointed because I’ve been that way most of my life, and now I’ve actually met a guy who makes me feel actual passion I’ve never felt with any other guy. If that happened, that would be the final nail in the proverbial coffin. I’d let him go because I don’t want to give him the hollow relationship I’ve had with guys before. I’d survive, but I wouldn’t want to drag him through that.

  6. Going a bit against what everyone else here seems to think but I would feel broken. I love physical intimacy. Touching, kissing, hugging, sex,… it’s all very important to me with a partner and knowing I can’t have that or give that to my partner anymore would devastate me. I could very well do without masturbation or mediocre hook up sex, but it’s the intimacy part I would really miss.

  7. I already don’t really have sexual desires. It hasn’t stopped me from having an active sex life.

  8. “Oh okay, whatever.” Sex isn’t a need, it’s a want. I’ll be just fine.

    That being said when shit like this happens it’s usually the start of a quest, so I better grab my closest D&D friends and get to investigating!

  9. Well that would suck a lot. Sex and physical intimacy is my favorite part of relationships. And it would suck for my partner who would wonder why I’ve become so cold in that department despite everything else seeming fine. Would probably create a lot of hurt feelings and resentment.

    Would I miss having sex? Hard to say, since this hypothetical version of me wouldn’t even want it, but I’d still remember what it’s like. I’d definitely miss all the other feelings that come with it. I think. Right?

  10. That’s basically what happened when I went on birth control. It sucked for me and it sucked for my SO. I’d be pretty unhappy.

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