what would you do to convince your gf to quit smoking?

  1. You can’t, anything you do or say will be looked at as negative. If it’s a deal breaker then the choice is yours.

  2. Well first you ask if she even feels like going through the effort to quit and then go from there.

  3. Don’t date a smoker in the first place if you have a problem with it. You can’t change people, only they can change themselves.

  4. Tell her that her lady parts will taste better and you will go down on her more often if she no longer smokes

  5. With hold sex. 😅😅😅😅 just kidding.
    You’ll overlook every flaw and vice so you can bang her

  6. Cigarettes are a complete deal break for me tbh so I’d just give an ultimatum (provided this started after we started dating)

  7. Former smoker of 11 years here:


    You can’t. It is a very difficult addiction, and you have to want to be free. I struggled. Quit like 10 or 15 times or more (I lost count) would be clean for a week or two; maybe a month.

    Something bad would happen, bills, stress, etc. I would relapse. Same ol “smoking is the only pleasure I get” rhetoric playing in my mind.

    One night I was walking home and was coughing and winded. Decided I was tired of always being short of breath. Wondered what it was like to not be “hungry” all the time.


    One day I quit. I suffered through so much withdrawal; the worst is the “hand to mouth” that I missed the most. It was a struggle. You have to tell yourself when you feel like you’re about to give in that just one more minute, and if you can’t take it then you’ll smoke.


    7 years I’ve been clean. I don’t remember what being winded all the time was like, but still have nightmares about being addicted.


    If everything I wrote seems like a lot of crap to deal with, it is. And it speaks volumes as to why “just quit” and “they’re bad for you” doesn’t do anything but upset the addict.

    Smoking is like being in an abusive relationship: You can’t see how bad it truly is until you’re free.

  8. As a smoker since 2007 who recently quit (two weeks no nicotine, cold turkey), you can’t.

    Smokers won’t quit until they want to. Nothing you do or say will affect that. So if it’s a deal breaker, might as well get the breakup out of the way now, otherwise you’re at the mercy of the addiction just like she is.

    And complaining about it doesn’t help.

  9. I don’t have one but if I did I would say “if you lobe me then you would want to spend your life with me and you won’t reach that point if you keep smoking”

  10. You don’t. Its not up to you.

    This is why you don’t date smokers if you have a problem with it.

  11. Don’t try to “fix” people. if it annoys you so much, make the tough decision. If it’s like whatever, then you good.

  12. I’ve gotten three adult lifetime smokers my dad’s age to quit by getting them to vape instead. You could try that.

  13. You cannot. You liked her like this, you have to cope with it. Maybe at some point she quits by herself but I would not rely on it.

  14. Buy lungs of a pig that was forced to smoke 10 packs a day. And leave them on her bed side.

  15. havent dated smokers for like 4-5 years and i just find it somewhat icky. im sure it wouldnt be a dealbreaker but i would let her know why i prefer other way. i just love it when a girl is smelling like a heaven garden

  16. Nothing. It’s not my business to convince someone to smoke, or to i respect stop smoking. I respect other people’s autonomy.

  17. I switched to vaping for my gf, I know it’s not healthy but it’s a lot better than smoking

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