My context is: 18M, I tell my parents I love them everyday for a few times per day. It’s like a subliminal. But I’m worried that I try to make everything about myself in conversations, that I don’t do enough house chores or that my parents don’t like each other. When I was really down, I told my mom she doesn’t care about me (which is not true) and now she really puts in a lot of effort to make me feel loved, and I feel that that is both artificial and that I feel really bad.

  1. Anything.

    My parents seemed to have gotten bored with the idea of being parents before I hit 10. I might have 5 good childhood memories of them, tops

  2. Hugs.

    In adulthood, I find that I’m so touch starved that actually getting physical affection is simultaneously uncomfortable and desirable.

    Maybe if I had gotten more as a child, I’d know how to feel.

  3. I wish we could have gone to the local swimming holes MORE. (We went a lot, but it was always SO fun, I wish we did more.) also I wish we had nights where we made our dinners together- like build your own tacos or fondue nights.

  4. bro, if you experience guilt and you experience dishonesty within yourself, just go to your parents and apologize and stop doing the shit that makes you feel like shit.

    you feel artificial stuff in your own home. you actually know you produced a little bit of it, now you have your mom doing acting skills at the house and she’s performing for you and you also know she’s performing so you both know what’s going on but no one will say a word.

    bro, just say something man. tell her you love her and she does not need to do this anymore. let her off the hook.

    at 18 it’s time to find your way in life without the constant support and love of parents. they will always be there but can’t take a front seat anymore.

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