I (22m) Was hanging out at my best friends place (26m). We were all drinking n stuff. Had some other friends over too. Anyways, my best friends wife (24f) was in her pajamas the shorts were really short like no inseam at all, anyways she was cross faded and incredibly messed up. I happened to look over to the side at the wrong moment, can’t quite remember what she was doing. but her really short pajama shorts were pulled to the side for a brief moment and I saw her lower bits. Was purely accidental. She probably didn’t notice what I had seen. Do I let my best friend know? Do I just forget it happened and not say a word?

  1. Why do you want to tell him? No one benefits from that. All it would accomplish would be to embarrass her.

  2. “hey man, I accidently saw your wife’s vag”

    Why tho? Don’t bother telling anyone. You were all drinking and it was a harmless accident. Bringing it up is only going to invite drama.

  3. Do not let them know you seen this.. spare them the embarrassment.. it wasent intentional so if keep this to myself

  4. Die with that secret. And to make yourself feel better… compliment them how great couple they make.

  5. Why would you ever mention this unless she did it on purpose? Nothing good can come from you bring up a flashy accident.

  6. It didn’t happen. You weren’t there and you didn’t see anything, ever again. It’s not like she showed it to you, you just happened to see it. That’s the beginning and end of your involvement with that lady’s nether regions.

  7. You told us.. thats more already to many people.

    I wish I went to party’s and see some tits and ass

  8. It wasn’t intentional on either your or her part, and bringing it up wouldn’t help anyone or solve anything. If she intentionally flashed you, it’d be a different situation. Pretend it didn’t happen.

  9. Don’t say anything, and also don’t think you were “accidentally flashed” you saw something while you were creeping

  10. I was over at my girlfriends house when I went upstair to grab her glasses and her sister walked to the bathroom (shower) naked. I just stood still and looked down. Didn’t tell anyone.

    Accidents happen and you don’t need to make a big deal out of them. 99% of the time that will lead to unnecessary drama.

  11. Yeah, just let it go. Used to vacation with my wife’s family at a beach house every year. In the mornings, everyone would be in their pjs sitting around drinking coffee. Several times over the years, her sister bent over and unintentionally showed off the girls in her pajama top. Stuff like that happens with friends and family. Best not to bring it up and talk about it.

  12. The answer is obvious, shut your mouth and forget about it. If you bring it up it might be taken the wrong way.

  13. Silence is golden. Nothing to gain by saying anything. It will just make things awkward.

  14. You just forget it happened too happen … Or you can remember in your memories, but don’t mention a single thing.

    There may be many times in life where you see something from your friends co-workers classmates, family members, etc. You do not have to bring it up to them

    The only time you might is if this is a person who’s really close to you and you’re kind of warning them that these clothes are like this.

    Some people say that women are already aware of what their clothes reveal , because they’re the ones wearing clothes,, but I would say not every woman is aware, so mention it with caution to certain people in your lives only, not to everyone.

    For example you might tell your girlfriend or your wife hey did you know that in a certain angle of lighting we can actually see through your clothes? And if she happens to not be wearing any underclothes that day it would be embarrassing for her. So mention to people like this

  15. What would be the point in telling him?

    There is no point in telling him, it was a pure accident. Not like she went out of her way to pull her shorts to the side to explicitly show you anything.

    No. It was an accident, leave it at that.

  16. Why is this even a question, let alone something you post on relationship advice for?

    Big fuckin deal, you saw her bits, so what? What would you gain from telling her husband? Does he own her bits? Will he tape them up so that they’re never able to be flashed again?

    Or, should you tell the actual owner of the bits?
    “Hey, I saw your vag”… what do you think you’ll get out of it? What do you actually want out of it?

    Move on dude.

  17. Forget about it and move on , saying something only causes drama and embarrassing her. It was an accident .

  18. I have a story that’d be relative here.

    A flat mate once wanted to show me a picture of something on his phone. He had some kind of windows phone that I had never seen before. Unbeknownst to me, Windows phones has a wheel on the side that is equivalent to the wheel on a mouse.
    I of course, accidentally, touched this wheel while taking the phone. So when I looked at the screen, the picture that I saw was a full frontal nude of his then girlfriend.
    I silently scrolled back to the next picture, reacted to the picture he wanted to show me and handed his phone back.

    I never told him or his gf about this accident.

    Even though he deserved to know the truth, he light not deserve to hear it.
    Meaning he doesn’t deserve whatever bad emotions he might have felt knowing this.

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