(28,f) So a little background: I have been in three relationships so far. All the three times I never really liked the guy. They approached me and I just said yes mainly because I wanted to be in good terms with them and I didn’t think I would get anyone better. Needless to say that all
Three relationships were unhappy ones. 1st guy cheated on me in a long distance. 2nd guy never made me feel good, like it felt like we were only in the relationship because we didn’t have the heart to breakup. 3rd guy, I just wanted to sleep with but he turned out to be a psycho kinda guy. Anyway one time I was staying over at his friend’s house (a woman), and they had been sleeping together since past few months and I had no idea. So we were sleeping on the same bed and this bf whom I had not started dating then, started having sex with me. It was quite weird for me but okay I let it happen, then after a while I felt some movement and I saw that he was fingering her while I was sleeping. I felt so bad and immediately left. Next morning I told him that I don’t want this kind of thing and I had no idea this was happening and he should have told me. He agreed to date me exclusively. I remember that day I was really happy, like I accomplished something, I got a guy to like me and he with me. After that it was a hellhole of physical and mental abuse with him. He would smoke up all day and obsess over me going out with my friends, being friends with my ex (he also was doing some job thing with that woman he was fingering), get angry and abuse me when I would ask him also stop talking to her, abuse my family and make fun of my hobbies and likes and dislikes. All this while I met his mother, convinced her he was looking for jobs and to not worry, met his friends, moved in with him at his insistence. But it was too much for me. Anyway, long story short I broke up with him and shifted with my dad who’d just moved to my city. And I have never been this thankful for living with a parent, my dad came as freedom to me, freedom from this bf. Since then I haven’t dated anyone cuz I was sexually abused and started hating sex after breakup. After 4 years, now, I started talking to this guy on insta and we have met a few time and have become fwb. I only asked him for this, saying that I was not ready for a relationship, which I was not then, like 1 month ago. We have been talking everyday ever since we became friends some 5 months ago. And now I am having feelings for him, I don’t really want to date him cuz I want to not be with someone and concentrate on my studies. But sometimes I feel really lonely and wish someone would comfort me and say sweet things, but it’s only like once a month.

The point of all this storytelling is that I feel like there is a pattern to my relationships here I think, but I don’t know what. I wish some of you guys could dissect this for me. It would be very helpful.

1 comment
  1. Sounds like you are possessed. In certain cases a demon might enter at night and possess you and you never know. Try seeking a priest to perform an exorcism. Then you can be free of this cycle of bad guys with a dark side. You might meet a boring guy with square tipped shoes, a bad sweater vest and coffee stained pants and he’ll treat you good out of desperation. The answer might be real close to a church … if you can cross the door due to demonic possession.

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