I got mine as a gift from my wife in December of ’15, and it still does exactly what I need it to. Hold cards, occasional cash, and my ID. I don’t see a need to change any time soon. Just curious how the rest of you guys are rollin’.

  1. Not a man, but I’ve had mine I think around 10 years? $5 in the urban outfitters discount section. Hell yeah

  2. Since my freshman year in high school. Has a hole where the chain used to be, because I guess we all thought that shit was cool in the 90s.

  3. About a year. I recently tried a Ridge type of wallet and have been enjoying that.

    Before that I had a leather bifold, probably for a good couple years. My wallets tend to take abuse somehow, and I end up replacing them every couple years.

  4. Over 7 years. Replaced the traditional wallet with a Machine Era Ti5 and never went back. Small form factor, strong material, never had to replace the band, couple cards and a folded hundo for emergencies. Bonus that it has a natural bottle opener via the finger slot. https://www.machine-era.com/products/ti-wallet

  5. Summer of 2000. Nautica brand, if you can believe that. A double fold. I’m ready to move on, though. All I have in it is a few cards and my license.

  6. About a year now, I had to get a new one because my old one tore, that wallet I had for about 6 or 7 years

  7. I had one since I was in middle school but it finally started breaking down like 3 years ago. I’ve had a bunch since then, haven’t been able to find one I really like again yet.

  8. I got it just before a multi-day school trip in 2009. It’s a little rough around the edges now, but it still works just fine.

  9. Got mine in mariposa CA around 2015. The leathers a little matted in places but it’s a beauty

  10. I’m 35, got my wallet with my first paycheck 20 years ago and it’s literally mint. A buddy of mine got the exact same wallet 2 years ago and his is really worn down.

  11. My wallet is a little blue rubber band that’s included when you buy broccoli. I’ve had my current one for about 4 months now.

  12. 2016. It’s a nice elk skin wallet that I think will last me for the rest of my life.

  13. I got my dual fold wallet in 2019 from my older brother. He got it when he was in Ireland with his roommates.

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