Never been in a relationship before. Shot my shot a couple of times but wasn’t lucky enough. Last time was when i was having a few drinks with my mate, and he said he’ll get the tab if i went up to talk to the person eating alone at the bar. I did, she declined, and said she had a boyfriend but we had a conversation for about 15 mins.
There’s been a couple of times i’ve wanted to walk up to a person and tell them they look pretty, i’d like to hang out sometime, grab a drink or something but i just chicken out. I know it’s not because i’m afraid of getting rejected, but i also don’t know what it is. Do i need more alcohol in me to go ask them? Maybe i just need to pick up a hobby and see if i can meet some people like that.

  1. Think about what you gain from talking to them what you lose from talking to them. The fear of success can be just as powerful as the fear of failure.

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