I am a 15 year old male and I admit I have a fear of growing up it’s not that I fear responsibility I don’t think so at least but mostly I don’t have that much going for me and I can’t go to college I already made a post months ago asking about how to prepare and while I have taken all that into mind I still have a lingering fear of getting older and I would like to know how most of you who did have a fear like mine or similar got over it.

  1. I never wanted to grow up so I chose a lifestyle that reflects what I want, not what people think I should do

  2. Growing up is awesome. As long as you don’t follow somebody else’s idea of what a grown person should be, you’ll have a lot more freedom to do as you please as an adult than you ever did as a child.

    I was scared of growing up and becoming like the grown ups around me. I did not, and for that I’m very happy.

  3. I did when I was a kid, but that fear went away as time went on, you don’t even realize you grew up until you’re grown up really, it’s a seamless transition, it’s not like you hit 20 then the whole pile of shit in the world gets thrown in your face. If you’re not going to college(assuming you mean university) go take a trade at a community college, trades are always in demand, and if you get something that gives you a journeyman’s licence, such as electrician or technician of sorts, you’ll make bank. But really getting older isn’t scary, in fact. Some shit that you think is a big deal washes off you and you realize it’s no big deal. You got a lot of stuff to experience that’s great about being an adult. Like doing what you want when you want. Want to go out for a cheese burger at 2am. Go for it.
    My advice, don’t look to far into the future until you’re out of school. Make a plan now as to what you want to do, get a post secondary as mentioned above, it will pay off in the long run, working minimum wage sucks balls.
    Next think you know, you’ll be 25 and you may have found the one for you and decide to get hitched lol. Life is wild, fun and messy. You’ll enjoy it. Don’t fret little bro

  4. Thanks everyone for the answers I admit I am still confused about everyone’s advice of course it’s a personal issue and not the fault of anyone else but thank you.

  5. Wierd situation…

    When I was kid I couldn’t wait to grow up because very strict parents. When I got taste of freedom I was wild and that went to another direction.

    Now I fear sickness and war only. Everything else is manageable.

  6. I grew up. Its inevitable and you dont really feel too much different than you feel now. You just choose where you want to go, get the skills necessary to do so and muster up the courage to get what you want. Mixed with proper habits, that’s all growing up is.

  7. I was honestly really excited about being growing up all of my childhood and teenage years, something about having mentally and physically abusive narcissistic parents really makes you want to be independent.

    Now that I am grown up, I only wish that I could have had a normal upbringing so that I could have enjoyed my childhood more.

  8. Well, I’d say that growing up is not ideal but, as my parents told me, it beats the alternative. You’re on this side of the grass. It’s a glorious place to be and you can understand blessed, lucky chance you’ve been given. Take full advantage of it while you can, baby!

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