My husband and I have been married for 5 years. Over the years I’ve become more understanding of his feelings when they’re brought up, even if I feel that his complaint isn’t that serious. So over the weekend he tells me that he’s been noticing in my conversations with him and others that I use the word “me” a lot when it comes to discussing the home we are buying together. He says he feels like his contribution to the home is not being considered when I use the word “me” instead of we. I’ve unintentionally used the word “me” instead of “we.” I explained that and apologized and told him I’d be more cognizant of how I use my words. That same day we are discussing the purchase of a new dining table. I’m responsible for most of the design choices and I had a certain table in mind. When I tell him what I was considering for a dining room table he quickly shuts it down and says that we are going with his design choice. No discussion about which would work better for us. I frown my face and try reason why my choice would be better. He says that since I am choosing most of the design choices in the home I should let him choose the dining table style and because he has little edits to my plans I should let him choose. He says it’s his home too and he doesn’t feel valued. So I agree to let him make the little changes that he wants since I’m choosing most of the decor anyway and I apologize for making him feel devalued. Also, because it is his home too and I want us both to feel comfortable. I even suggested going furniture shopping together. Something I was going to bring up to him before this disagreement. The next day our toddler wakes up and he agreed the night before to allow me to sleep in while he gets our toddler for an hour in the morning. He didn’t wake up when he heard our toddler and I called his name he didn’t answer. I thought he was playing around by ignoring me. We are really goofy together so I thought he was just playing. So I gently pull the comforter off him so I could see his face. He gets up and a few minutes later says that he he felt disrespected by me pulling the covers off him. I apologize and tell him it was innocent and I won’t do it again. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but I didn’t say that. A few hours later he brings up the comforter situation and I got angry. I couldn’t believe he was making an issue about this. I felt attacked, especially considering the other recent arguments. I had an anger outburst that resulted in me crying and saying that he’s too sensitive and I can’t believe I’m being called out over slowly removing a comforter from him while he was asleep. He says he’s tired of my anger outbursts that occur twice a year and it makes him uncomfortable and hesitant about moving forward with things the way they are. I just feel like I’m always being blamed for small things. He thinks I need anger management.

  1. He’s being a total baby. Tell him there’s only enough room for one toddler and he needs to grow the hell up.

  2. What did you do on your last anger outburst? Not defending his actions by the way, just curious where he’s coming from. It’s possible that he’s a little bit scared of that

  3. Been there lol
    Can’t give you much advice since I broke up with a man like this, though I never put up with his bullshit. Personally I think it’s lack of self-esteem that was provoked by too gentle relationship with his mother, and absence of father

  4. God bless you woman. He would be very hard to live with. It sounds like you’re constantly walking on eggshells.

  5. So you fuck with him while he’s sleeping and then you throw a temper tantrum because he gets pissed?

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. My advice is to grow up and be kinder to you husband.

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