See original text below


So I met up with the girl for our pizza tour date. We had a really fun time and ended up hanging out for 6+ hours. The entire time we had really engaging, deep intimate conversations. Also, i thought it was pretty romantic. We went to a park next to the river and gazed at the skyline as the sunset, we also ended the night at Scarrs Pizza (btw my favorite) and shared a bottle of wine.

HOWEVER, towards the end of the night, I came clean and told her I really liked her and she said that “since this was only the second time we met in person, she didn’t feel the same emotional connection I described”. But she still told me she hopes I come back to ny to visit soon so we can hang out again. After an hour went by, I brought it up again and she said she felt bad she “can’t reciprocate my feelings at the moment”.

Sidenote, after all this she walked me back to my hotel and then asked if she should go with me up to my room to pee (even though there were restrooms in the lobby). Obv nothing happened but I thought it was strange.

I don’t feel like I have full closure and I am pretty sad/confused, but I truly did have a blast. What do you think? Any advice?


Soooo there is this girl that I’ve had a crush on for a while who I used to work with. I’ve known her for 2 years. We used to work remotely at the same company , but have both since left. I live in LA and she lives in NYC (although I want to move to nyc at some point), but we have met in person a few times.. We have always had this flirty relationship when we would talk and text. Now we text everyday and the flirtatiousness has really escalated, i.e hearting every message, random check ins, sweet compliments etc.

Note: 5 months ago I asked her if she wanted to go on a date the next time I visit NYC (I visit a few times per year) and she said “she is taking a break from dating for a bit”. So soft rejection, but the flirting has escalated since too.

To cut to the chase, I am going to NYC in 2 weeks and have plans to see her. We are doing a makeshift pizza tour and spending the day together. Also she invited me to her birthday party the day before. I am nervous because I really like her, but know that I am probably making too big a deal of our relationship. I mean, it’s 95% just texting which doesn’t mean much.

How should I be thinking about this situation? I’m very conflicted. Am I overreacting? I need advice.

1 comment
  1. I think she’s also into you. But needs a bit more time to wrap her head around it. It’d be better if you take things slow.
    You both seem to like each other. You need not be anxious or confused, just go with the flow and try to understand her and make her more comfortable

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