I started this job 3 months ago and there is a guy here who I really get along with. Everytime we pass by each other we greet each other and sometimes we will talk about music or how the day is going or random things. At lunch time we take the breaks around the same time and we talk about what we made and honestly it feels like a genuine connection. Now I do not know if he is single since we never talked about relationships. But I have a big crush on him and everytime I see him I get nervous now. I dont know what to do since a lot of people say not to date co workers but I dont want to be friends. I feel like he is the one. I have never flirted with anyone and don’t know how to initiate with him. Now would this be a good idea or should I just ignore my feelings and continue working?we are about the same age group he is 25 and I am 30 we both like the same music and hobbies. I really don’t want this to end bad.

Tldr have a good friendship with a coworker and want to date him but scared he might reject me and the friendship will fade.

  1. Would you regret one day if you didn’t? Probably should take the risk then.

    I didn’t with a close friend. 15 yrs later, I still wonder, what if…..?

    Good luck!

  2. You should probably find out if he has a spouse first lol. But I did it and it was terrible to work with her afterwards. I would always advise against it but you sound all in so good luck. I hope it works out for the both of you.

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