Long story short, I’m currently in law school and I’m about to move out of state. I’ve grown up in California, but my girlfriend and I are moving to Arizona after graduation. Anyway, my problem stems from the friends I’ve been hanging out with in law school. At first they were cool, but I’ve grown to dislike them over the years. The friends I’m talking about are a couple and my issues with them stem from multiple areas. For example, they love talking about people behind their back. And it’s not just acquaintances, but close friends that they know as well. They love dishing out gossip and talking about people that are down on their luck (not cool in my book). Another issue that I have is that they both seem to be obsessed with my girlfriend. The girl wants to hangout with my girlfriend every day, has started dressing and acting more like my girlfriend, and always agrees with what my girlfriend has to say. The guy seems to have a crush on my girlfriend (always checking her out, only giving attention to her when we all hangout, and trying to act macho whenever we all get together). Anyway, throughout my time knowing this couple they have always said that they want to stay in California. The guy, who is my classmate, has only searched for post-school jobs in California until they recently heard that my girlfriend and I were moving to Arizona. Now they’ve dropped their prior plans and have told me that he’s applying to jobs in Arizona too. Bottom line is that I don’t like this couple and I want to ghost them out of our lives, but I’m not sure if I’m being a good judge of character here.

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