How many of y’all are looking for an equally sarcastic female counterpart? When you find one that knows when to balance the smart ass, sarcastic banter with flirting and regular conversation, do you usually find yourselves extra excited about them?

I feel like that type of conversation is a full on love language for me. Do you guys feel that way too?

  1. If a woman can’t handle yet alone match my sarcasm then they’ll more than likely think im just an asshole the whole time, Which happened alot in the past.

  2. > When you find one that knows when to balance the smart ass, sarcastic banter with flirting and regular conversation, do you usually find yourselves extra excited about them?


  3. Nope. Sarcastic is annoying. I can only remember one “female counterpart” trying this on me and I just laughed at her as if my little sister said something dumb. She chilled on the sarcasm pretty quick 😉

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