I am looking for a partner for social skills. I want to take my voice quality seriously and strengthen my character. I would like to have regular check-ins with voice recorder to help (once a day, week or whatever works for you!). hit me up if you’re interested! Thank you

  1. What do you mean by “voice quality” and “character”? What do these mean to you in terms of social skills? And are you looking for someone who is also wanting to improve these things? Or someone that would be like a mentor that is confident in their social skills?

  2. record your voice, play it back

    work at voice training (eg. just reading a page a day loudly from a book) for a couple of weeks; record/play that back, see if that’s an improvement; a refinement is to have a pair of dice in your cheeks (one in each cheek) while reading (contending with that challenge sharpens your enunciation considerably)

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