TLDR; I moved in with my boyfriend of a few months at the time after he asked me to. He introduced me to his whole family and all his friends, making it seem like he wanted to be with me. After a year of being together, I had a feeling he was being shady and went through his phone one night, and found out he’s talking to another girl. While I’m trying to figure out ways to get the means to leave, because I have no family of my own here, he’s acting like nothing is happening. He’s going about his day being normal and not distant towards me. I haven’t told him yet, and while he’s acting okay, it’s slowly eating at me and breaking my heart more.

This may be a long post, I’ll try and shorten it. But, it’s a lot. I met my boyfriend unexpectedly last year from a close friend I had. I developed a crush on him quite quickly, and we ended up taking through Instagram and Snapchat for months. He lived in another state from me, but long story short, he was moving out of his grandmas and asked if I wanted to move in because he inherited his own house. I was falling hard for this man, and he lived somewhere I always wanted to move to. So I agreed.

We moved pretty fast, I know. But living here was actually quite nice. I got a job just down the road, his whole family knows me and I’ve grown close with them. His friends know me and whatnot. I would say I trusted him without a doubt.but it wasn’t until recently had he been acting weird about his phone. Just whenever he wanted to show me something, he’d turn it a certain way before showing me. Or if a certain name popped up, he’d swipe up on his phone fast. Like I said, I trusted him, so I tried to ignore it. But it slowly got to me. I overthink a ton and this was one of those things that got into my head. I had a strong gut feeling, but I’ve mistaken it for anxiety. I always do.

I woke up at around 3am one night about a month ago. I remember that feeling was immediately there. His phone was right there, he was sleeping. I’ve never been the person to go through someone’s phone. That wasn’t me. I never felt I needed to. But it was a nagging feeling. So I did, just to see the name of who he had been so secretive of with. Well, my intuition was right because he was texting another girl and it seemed like he had been for most of our relationship. By talking, he seemed like he was trying to pursue another relationship with her.

This whole time. The entire time he hadn’t been acting distant, weird, or anything towards me. He planned things for the future like seeing my family out of state, traveling together, teaching me to drive his quad, etc. while this whole time, trying to get with someone else. He acts the same and it kills me even more because I can’t tell him right now. I don’t have the means to leave. I have no family. My close friends know about it, especially the one that introduced us. He and I plan on getting a place together, but as of now I have to act like everything is okay until then.

It’s getting to me. It’s breaking my heart and I can only blame myself for moving too fast. But I honestly thought we were good..he always told everyone how we were good. He continues to bring me around his family and act normal. That part hurts the most because it’s like, what are you doing? Why are you so okay with all of this? I know what needs to be done..but I don’t know what to do with myself emotionally at the same time. Not saying anything is slowly eating at me. I feel like I might break.

  1. Don’t feel bad about going through his phone. You had reason to be suspicious, and he was cheating. I’ll never understand why people say “well you didnt trust him so clearly it wasn’t working” like yeah, he was being shady with his phone… of course you were suspicious, and didn’t trust him after that happened.

    I would contact any family or friends who you can trust to back you up at this time. Don’t stay with a man who’s cheating on you just because it would be hard to de-couple your lives together. You deserve someone who’s loyal to you and loves you fully. This guy isn’t that!

  2. > By talking, he seemed like he was trying to pursue another relationship with her

    What exactly did he say? Men are allowed to talk to women.

  3. How is her reaction to what he’s texting ? It’s been a year and nothing is happening beside texting. He’s pursuing her but it seems she’s not too interested so he might keep you wishing she’d change her mind. Unless she goes to school and just waiting till she finishes.

    what is she texting him when he said those things. Did she seemed to love him or interested in him?

    Don’t worry about snooping he was sus and it’s the only way you had to find out.

  4. Just get out. There is no point discussing any of this with the guy who betrayed you.

  5. People are great at lying when they want to be and its not a reflection of you in anyway that this is happening. You are worth more than this and you deserve more.

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