How to counteract my resting bitch face?
Like … it is bad. Every single person in my life has commented on it at some point. I am told nearly daily im intimidating.
For context i am 5 foot 3, female and under 50kg. I collect beanie boos and penguin related items. I like cartoons and pillow forts and cooking. I used to work in a nursery and the children loved me.
Adults literally cant deal. I am assumed a bitch and it can make things difficult for me. Especially when really i am a big softie. People have become actively upset when i explain this is just my face.
I have very dark hair& features which i am trying to lighten atm. I am also relatively hot (not trying to sound arrogant ). Im just think my life would be 10x easier if i wast a presumed bitch.
Any advice on how to look and seem less intimidating ?

1 comment
  1. As someone who used to always be told that I look super pissed off, I started stretching the muscles in my face and it seemed to help decently. Basically what I do is I make the cheesiest smile I can make and hold it for about 15 seconds. And I do this around 3 times at least per day. You’re going to look absolutely rediculous when doing this. So you’ll probably want to do this in private.

    Other than that just make sure your face is presentable and clean. Which if you’re as attractive as you claim you are, I’m assuming you already do this.

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