I was searching for nudity/sex content creators. I find this very attractive woman and in her description, she says she’s transgender. Initially I pass by her profile, but it didn’t take long for me to realize I really wanted to see her content. I’m not sure if it was curiosity, attraction or both, but eventually I subscribed to her page. Turns out I really liked what I saw and I ended up masturbating to it multiple times.

Now, what’s getting on my head isn’t that I’m attracted to trans women (trans womens are women) but the fact that I was attracted and turned on by a pre op trans woman’s gentials to the point of fantasizing about it. Up until recently I’ve never even considered touching another penis and I was always turned off by them. I’m not attracted to men and when I see a man naked, I feel the opposite of sexual attraction. But if it’s a trans woman, I’m attracted. Not just to her but her penis too.

I’m not sure how to feel and what to do about it. Does that mean I would enjoy touching a trans woman’s penis if she’s open to it? I’ve read that a lot of trans women don’t like having their penises touched so I would be very hesitant to bring that up. Or is that just a sexual fantasy that I shouldn’t bring to my romantic life?

I’m very confused. I don’t have anyone in my life whom I feel comfortable enough to talk about this. I appreciate any advice.

P.S.: I did my best to be as respectful as possible while also explaining my situation. I deeply apologize if I said anything inappropriate.

  1. I’m straight . Atleast I am happy being straight but same boat as you. I have whacked my noodle to trans women with wieners. Told my wife about it too and she said of course you’d like them , they look super feminin. At the same time, I have very little arousal for trans men that still got their V. I am comfortable stating Id be way more capable of sleeping with a trans woman then a trans man.

    I think for a good number of us it comes down way more on how male or feminine someone looks / presents themselves. In the end there is nothing wrong with you. Nothing will really change , your world will keep turning. There is nothing wrong with you as long as your sexual desires don’t require you to hurt someone.

  2. We all like what we like, and sometimes it’s surprising even to ourselves. I wouldn’t worry about trying to put a label on it, just have fun exploring it.

  3. I think ya just gotta stop associating penises with men! A transgirl’s dick is often quite different from a man’s dick because of how hormones affect it! Let yourself enjoy it for what it is, a woman’s dick! Especially if you’re just masturbating, there’s no one there to judge you but yourself!

  4. Trans women are women, so if you’re attracted to women, I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t be attracted to trans women as well. Genitals do not equal gender. If they did, “straight” men would be fine with dating trans men.

  5. Don’t let the stigma of society hold you back! You have feelings and they need to be explored not repressed.

  6. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) you do you man! everyone has hidden kinks. don’t feel ashamed.

  7. Anyone can get attracted to anyone. There’s nothing political about it. Also there’s nothing to be ashamed of provided whatever you are engaging in is consensual, safe, and does not harm any being. As a man, you are free to be attracted to another man or woman, trans or non-trans. Do what you like, enjoy your sexuality and don’t worry about it.

  8. Re; trans women not wanting their dick touched, it’s all up to the girl in question. If you ever find yourself dating a trans woman, I would just ask. Communication is important, and just like cis women, everyone is gonna prefer something a little different.

  9. https://youtu.be/p-A8GvUehq4

    Watch this or read his book A Billion Wicked Thoughts. Scientifically speaking, most men watch trans porn and almost all men are sexually aroused by penises. Trans women have the female upper part and the penis bottom part, so they’re even more of a turn on for most people with a male brain. The penis turn-on comes from hard-wired sperm competition that benefited our ancestors greatly. It’s literally in your DNA. It doesn’t mean you want to actually have sex with someone who has a penis; that is an entirely different thing. And you’re right, nearly 9/10 trans women don’t want their penises touched at all and trans porn in general has a lot of ethical issues in terms of what went into making it. Most trans women in real life take serious moral issue with the popularity of trans porn. It’s all very complicated but fascinating and nothing to worry about.

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