There is cheating, not trust, and what else?

  1. Toxic parents/immediate family members. Gotta consider who I’d have to deal with regularly, how they would impact our lives and would they be people I wanted my future kids to be around.

  2. Besides infidelity? How about cruelty, lack of empathy, narcissism, addiction of all kinds, laziness, slobbishness, lying, excessive gaming, screen addiction, poor hygiene, wild spending, indifference, dishonesty, intimacy refusals and plain old immaturity.

  3. Selfishness.




    Criticism, especially to others about me.

  4. Cruelty, abuse, opposite stances on important decisions (like kids), opposite stances on things important to the couple (like politics, for some people), lying about something important (like finding out your partner had never been attracted to you), financial infidelity, big libido mismatch, sexual incompatibility etc. it depends on the couple really.

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