Am I (19F) irrational for being insecure after seeing that my boyfriend (22M) went back and liked an old picture of my sister (17F) on Instagram? A couple days ago he followed her, and a couple days after he followed her he just liked a year and a half old photo of hers with no context at all. I found it weird and to be quite honest I’m feeling quite jealous about it because my sister is WAY prettier me and that’s not just my insecurities talking but it’s true she does have much more going for her in the looks department, and if I can see that then any young guy surely can as well. I worry that he liked me until he met my sister and seen what she looks like but everyone’s telling me I’m delusional for this.

My boyfriend liked one of my sisters old photos on Instagram and I found it weird considering he did it a few days after he followed her.

  1. Well, what this clearly means is he went through her pictures and liked one of them. That happened. Why he did it though exactly seems unclear to me. Does he seem devoted to you otherwise?

  2. Yes.

    I myself have a very beautiful sister, so i get where the insecurity comes from, but being worried over your boyfriend liking and old photo of your sister after a few days is very irrationel, as he could just be doing that to support.

  3. Yes.

    I myself have a very beautiful sister, so i get where the insecurity comes from, but being worried over your boyfriend liking and old photo of your sister after a few days is very irrationel, as he could just be doing that to support.

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