So, I am just starting out with anal. I am mtf trans, and just started to try anal, as HRT is having its normal effects on my unwelcome member.

Well, I tried it, and it BURNS around the Anus. I use a condom and numbing lube with my bf, but I was wondering if the burning ever goes away. It feels AMAZING once the numbing has a chance to take effect though. I found that I’m a screamer. Who knew?

But still, how do you stop it burning permanently?

1 comment
  1. Experiment with different lubricants. Numbing lubes can often burn especially if you are sensitive to them. Some people are sensitive to many common/popular lubricant ingredients and this is not unusual, remember this is a mucus membrane you are penetrating. Think like your inner cheek and mouth skin.

    Also try butt plug trainer kits. Especially on your own time to get comfortable and feel in control of the process.

    A lube shooter can help quite a bit. Shop around for lubes and check reviews, especially for people who are sensitive to them.

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