In the situation where you meet a girl on a dating app, at what point into the relationship will you delete your account/the app from your phone and primarily focus on dating this one girl?

  1. Usually once you go exclusive. The normal understanding is once you have that agreement both parties should be off the apps in a week or so and you should not be engaging with anyone else.

    If you are not exclusive just use the apps per normal.

  2. Dude – literally two dates in. Fuck dating apps. I always scored the best girls I’ve ever been with in real life (bar one exception) and only went there because of the lockdowns. OLD sucks ass. Simple as.

    Why would you be just one of thousands texting here if you could be the one daring enough to look her in the eye and chat her up? No photoshop for her to hide behind, no filters, nothing. And trust me, as long as you are respectful, she’ll smile. If you are even charming on top of it, you’ll make her day.

    And whether I get laid or not, making her day feels pretty nice. Much nicer than to be left on read.

  3. Yes, dating apps only showcase the most shallow attributes and would rather naturally seek somsone out than seeing “she’s hot”

  4. Well, if I go for more than one date with that person and we have a mutual connection or I feel positive about that person I would stop using the app. And yea after making it official delete the account and stuff.

  5. Immediately. At what point after buying a car do you stop shopping for a car? At what point after getting groceries do you stop shopping for groceries? At what point after getting the job you wanted do you stop looking for a job you want? Are you that indecisive you’d risk ruining something new you put effort into getting before you even see where it goes? I don’t understand this post. Maybe I’m just old now but why actively destroy something you just started to build?

  6. I have very little extra time to put into a relationship early on so if I’m talking to someone it’s taking up the time that would otherwise go into the dating app.

  7. Honestly I drop dating apps if I meet a chick I’m just making headway with.

    I hate those things.

  8. Yeah pretty much as soon as it’s consider a relationship for just, ‘seeing how things go’ to ‘I actually like you’. Why look for the next before the current is over

  9. I only use dating apps periodically, for two weeks at a time. But there’s no point at which I only focus on dating one person. That would be unfair to my other partners.

  10. After a good second date, I probably cut back on messaging new people but keep talking to anyone who was already in the loop or seeing anyone I was casually dating. After a good third or fourth date, I probably let those conversations/casual dates fade off without formally ending things.

    And then after we define the relationship and agree to be exclusive, I’d delete any dating apps from my phone but probably never bother deleting my profile itself.

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