I (m22) struggle to have any form of conversation with new women. In person I don’t have the balls to say anything and through text I always end up overthinking my response and never replying because I’m afraid of sounding dumb or being ignored. I have fairly low self confidence, I was bullied heavily by girls in school, im 22 and only 3 women have ever said something positive about my appearance in my entire life. Any tips on self love and how to overcome this issue with women? I really just want to get into the dating world but I can’t talk to a girl to save my life

  1. I’d worry less about talking to girls and more on improving yourself and making that the priority.

    For me working out and lifting weights made me look good. In turn felt good and manifested in confidence.

    Travel on your spare time and find stories and moments when you do. So you can share your experiences.

    Read books and learn about stories and experiences.

    Talking to ppl is about sharing moments, knowledge’s, and experiences

    I’d suggest start there

  2. well, a very important thing is that you want to make women feel safe around you, so don’t be a pushover, that is fundamental. 2nd of all I recommend Teal Swan, watch some of her videos on youtube on self esteem and relationships advice. Be patient. There is no quick fix for your problem. Resolving trauma from being bullied and building ur social skills takes time man. Also, don’t try to be something you’re not.
    Advertise yourself to people for what you are and if you’re gonna make a change, make sure it comes from a place of compassion and desire to move forward and not just an attempt to run away from your insecurities

  3. So, it’s very good of you to recognize that a lot of the anxiety around women comes from being ridiculed by girls as a child. You’ll have to do some introspection and really try to get to the root of why you’re so anxious and why you can’t let it go. Objectively speaking to women is exactly the same as speaking to men. There is no difference at all, so you shouldn’t have any issue with it

  4. This is really something you learn by doing. The key is to just not be creepy that means not reading anything into the situation other than what’s being said and keeping the conversation fun and light until the other person expresses an interest in deeper conversation. Really you just got to do and be akward and then do it again but less akward and so on till your comfortable.

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