We’ve kept a decent back-stock of food going for years in a small home-built pantry, but since the beginning of Covid it’s evolved into something approaching a small corner shop and now takes up a wall in the spare bedroom. It’s becoming a hobby now!

  1. I live alone, so more space for myself, and I’d say I have about three months of food in, most of the time. I started doing this before the pandemic.

  2. I don’t even have enough food to get me through this weekend. Never been one for stockpiling – not even during Covid.

  3. I generally buy food at two week intervals, the exception being the long storage stuff like Tins and dry pasta which I buy as I run out. I’ve only a small kitchen and live by myself, a bag of pasta lasts months! I’ve no need to bulk buy in any form purely on account of how long it’ll take to get through.

    I bought a 3kg bag of fusli, I expect it’ll last me over a year.

  4. I did have one going but slowed down and thinned it out. I’m going to start again though. I think we worked out to feed us for 2 years we’d need 1600 canned meals. Not sure how much space I would need to store this.

  5. Is relying on canned meals for your diet really bad for you? I half recall something from years ago that it isn’t great but its all a bit hazy

  6. A pantry is just a cupboard for dry food storage.

    You’re referring to a stockpile.

  7. We have 3 kids and feed the in-laws too. We’d need a garden shed to build a stockpile that would last anything over 2 weeks!

  8. Why lol? Are you prepping for nuclear war?

    I’ve got about 3 days worth of food in I’d say.

  9. No, I don’t like having a huge stockpile of food, something inevitably goes to the back and expires.

    I have 6 tins in my cupboard, 1 soup, 2 chickpeas, 1 kidney beans, 1 cannelloni beans and 1 tin of sweetcorn. Think I’ve got an old bag of lentils that need using too.

    I also hate clutter. I don’t see a need to buy in lots of stuff, we’re always going to need a weekly shop for fresh items anyway and can pick up what we need as and when.

  10. I wouldn’t mind having some from of stockpile for things that would be cheaper to buy if bought in bulk. Ie hand wash, washing up liquid, tea bags, washing machine liquid etc. but you’d need good space for that and I don’t have it! Not sure I’d stockpile actual food items though, not even cans, but again if it’s economically better to buy in bulk to save money over time I’d consider it.

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