just wondering if Macedonia is a common way to refer to it, or just a local name

  1. nope, a fruit salad would be hedelmäsalaatti

    macedonia just means the region and/or country

  2. Never heard about that. For me, that’s either a country or a part of Greece.

  3. AFAIK the Italian ‘macedonia’ (for fruit salad) is a translation from the French…

  4. Yup yup but it is adopted from French if I am not wrong.

    Funny story is one of my colleagues from Macedonia moved to Italy back in 2016 and when she went for her application of permesso they laughed but also refused to believe Macedonia is a country. This was in Milano. But to no surprise when she complained everything went smoothly and the then mayor (I reckon it was still Sala) apologised for the confusion…

  5. In Polish, *Macedonia* is:

    * Republic of North Macedonia,
    * ancient kingdom of Macedonia,
    * a geographical and historical region of the Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe,
    * a geographic and former administrative region of Greece,
    * one of many Roman provinces.

    Or a couple of towns or villages in the USA. But a salad? Nah.

  6. Nope, as far as I know Macedonia (or Makedonien in Swedish) is solely the name of a country/region and nothing more. Fruit salad is just called ‘fruktsallad’.

  7. Kind of. A macedónia in Portuguese is a mix of diced boiled vegetables, not a fruit salad.

  8. Not that I’m aware of. A mix of things in general is also “salát”, so just salad, or “slátanina”, pieced/patched-thingy, if it’s bad. If it’s good (and not food where salát is good), it’s just směs (mix) or mix.

  9. Macedonia is our motherland. Others have worked hard to rid us of our name, but we have never referred to it as anything else. A blessing and a burden at the same time.

  10. In Scotland, Macedonia is an area in a town called Glenrothes. And it’s an utter, utter, god-awful shitehole 😂

  11. No, we don’t use “Macedonia” for fruit salad in Russia. Shooting with two weapons is Macedonian shooting, though.

  12. Yes, it is, a macédoine, pronounced exactly as the French word for Macedonia, is a strange fruit salad.

  13. Nope. Makedonien is used to refer to a geographical area, the ancient kingdom, and for the most part the modern country because we’re too lazy to add “den forhenværende jugoslaviske republik” (the former yugoslav republic) or “nord-” (north) in front

  14. Nope, not really. Fruit salad is just… fruit salad, sorry to disappoint.

    We have a term for a **mess** of things rather than a mix of things that’s related to places around the globe and we call that “Meksyk” which is Polish for Mexico.

  15. It apparently exists in Romanian dictionary, meaning mix of cut fruits or vegetables, usually used to prepare a salad. But I have never heard it used before.

    BTW we call oranges portocale,. which comes from Portugal. 🙂

  16. Never heard of it being a salad or a mix of things. Tho the country is a mix of things, like all countries.

  17. Nope Macedonia just referred to the country, or Alexander’s kingdom . Never heard of it referring to a fruit salad.

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