With I was kidding but the title is accurate. Im a 29 year old guy who lives with my ex and im wondering how, or if I should even consider dating while still in this situation.

Long story short my ex and I dated for 4 years. Last year we sign a leased on a new place and broke up a couple months after. It obviously wasn’t a nasty breakup and we are still friends. She has her own bedroom and we have not been intimate or even kissed since breaking up about 7 months ago. We decided to ride the 14 month lease out as we live in an expensive city and it would cost about 15K to break it (rent is $5K/mo), which is just stupid.

Anyways, it’s been 7 months and I feel like I’m ready to start casually dating and at least going out again. Yet I recognize this is a very odd situation and would likely not be well received by most women. And to be fair, I don’t think I could date a girl who lived with her ex boyfriend either.

Anyways, just curious

  1. So you two decided to ride out ~a year lease when the cost to break it would be about 3 months cost from each of you? That’s a long time to be miserable. Is there anyway you can pay your half and be done with it?

    To answer your original question, I would absolutely not be ok dating while still living with an ex, and to your point, I don’t think a lot of people would be cool with it either.

  2. Just lie and say it’s a roommate and your waiting for the lease to break. Or be honest, and explains the situation far down the line. It’s only temporary. Go for it I say. I’ve ran into weirder situations.

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