Ladies, what about aging scares you?

  1. Nothing. It’s part of life, and I embrace it.

    I guess now that I say that, I really hope I don’t become incontinent and crap myself everywhere I go. That would suck.

  2. My body not being able to do things it once could (sports, mobility, remembering things)

    Edit: even though it’s a part of life it still sucks. Also losing independence

  3. Losing autonomy, not being able to do basic daily things such as taking care of myself (showering, getting dressed, getting fed) is a bit of a scary thought tbh. Losing my cognitive habilities, losing my memory.

  4. That I won’t be truly loved and I will be left for someone younger/prettier and end up a lonely old woman falling into madness/insanity and nothing I say or do can put it right.

    Probably a shallow fear of mine. But I’ve always admired those old couples who have spent most of their lives together and despite the troubles of the life around them they part only in old age and death. So yes my greatest fear is to end up alone and unloved.

  5. I have a pretty bad injury in both of my knees that causes me many problems. I’m dreading surgery and their continued deterioration. Other than that, I hate my 20s, and I’m excited to get out of them.

  6. Helplessness. Hope people have changed their minds about assisted suicide by the time I have no quality of life.

  7. Dementia/Alzheimers. If it happens to me, I’d like to move to a “death with dignity” area before it gets too bad so I can off myself in peace and not become a burden to my family.

  8. All the issues that can possibly come with it. Dementia, alzheimers, loss of mobility. I hope I age well lol

  9. Further deterioration of my memory and my knees. They’re bad enough already and I’m only in my 30s.

  10. Probably eventually losing both of my parents and eventually they will only be a memory.

  11. Honestly, the world we will be living in. We know we’ve messed it up too much. We know were making the earth unliveable in 30 years time. It breaks my heart but I can’t even imagine aging or retirement anymore. I WANT to age, I want to be old and happy, surround by my family, but who are we kidding, eventually life will be about survival. For a lot of people it already is about survival. The future petrifies me. But aging gracefully and securely is a dream…

  12. Wrinkling because I already struggle with self confidence so I feel like I’ll look at myself even worse

  13. The fact that I know that my parents are getting just as older and having to learn to cope without them around one day. My parents dying terrifies me so much.

  14. Wrinkles and my dark hair turning white or gray. Not looking forward to getting/looking old.

  15. Nothing in the imminent future. I guess I fear health problems in late life.

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