By closest state. I mean closest to you right now. And why?

  1. Never been to Arizona. Apparently it’s really hot so I prefer to go north towards Washington

  2. Currently in Atlanta.

    Never been to West Virginia. Why? Never had a reason to, never been on a route I was driving through.

  3. From California, it is either Idaho or New Mexico. Never got around to visiting them, but would love to eventual go to both.

  4. Mississippi. One of the three states I’ve never visited. Just haven’t had cause to do so yet. (Alaska and Arkansas are the other two)

  5. West Virginia.

    Meant to but never really got around to doing it so far. Got mountains and woodlands on this side of the border.

  6. I’m in Sydney. Never been to Tasmania.

    For the US, I’ve stood on the Four Corners but never went to NM.

  7. I’ve technically been to Utah but only as a connecting flight so i’ve only been there an hour max so i don’t count it, but it that counts then Kansas and because it’s Kansas.

  8. Wyoming (I live in Oregon)

    Never had a reason to go, and I haven’t done a cross country trip in my life

  9. Interesting question. It looks like I’m about equidistant from Vermont and Kentucky – I’ve never been to either. Neither place has anything that appeals to me.

  10. I am in Southern CA and the closest state I have not been to is Louisiana. Although I have gone through Texarkana which is only 25 miles from the Louisiana border.

  11. West Virginia. I’ve been to North and South Carolina Florida Georgia to the southeast and all over the middle and west and southwest including California Utah Arizona and the north like Wisconsin Michigan Minnesota, just never east. No east coast or Pennsylvania or Virginia. I’m more of a wide open spaces national parks guy. I’ve never been to Europe but I’ve met people from Germany France Sweden Norway The UK Denmark and others in our national parks. On our hike down to the General Sherman Tree I whispered to my wife that the people in front of us were speaking English, they heard me and laughed and said the same thing about us. So many people visit the parks from Europe

  12. I’ve been *through* Arkansas but never stopped to smell the roses there

  13. Wait right now? That’s kind of tough, since I currently live in China. Alaska maybe?

    From my home state, I’d have to say Kentucky. Have been to all of the other border states (including Michigan, sadly).

  14. Virginia unless you count driving through/DMV. If you count that, then Arkansas I think. *Maybe* Alabama or Michigan because Arkansas is the closest to my state’s border, but Alabama or Michigan might be closer to me personally

  15. I’m in Chicago and the answer is Arkansas. The Ozarks sound nice. I’ll consider a trip.

    I’ve been to most of the states in a 500 mile radius so I consider myself well traveled. I just never made it to Arkansas for some reason.

  16. Missouri (316 miles away).

    Closely followed by (in order): Illinois, Indiana, West Virginia, and Oklahoma.

    I’d like to visit Chicago, but I have almost zero desire to go to any of the other 4 states.

    I have been within 30 miles of Missouri, 113 miles of Illinois, 10 miles of Indiana, 40 miles of West Virginia, and 11 miles of Oklahoma.

  17. Idaho I think. Maybe Oregon

    I’ve hit all of them except Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, and those two

  18. I’m in Montana. Alaska is the closest state that I’ve never been to. Why? a long list of stupid reasons that usually hinges on not having the money at the right time.

  19. Looks like it is Vermont for me. About a 6.5 hour drive. I’ve been up to Massachusets before, but the times I’ve been up there I haven’t had reason to head further north. I’m going to need a specific trip to get the rest of New England because if I go to Vermont I might as well knock out New Hampshire and Maine while I’m up there.

    After that, the next closest is Georgia about 8 hours away. The one time I drove to Florida, I slept through Georgia and didn’t do anything there so I don’t count it. Every other time I’ve been that far south I flew and so bypassed Georgia. I’m going to need a trip to Atlanta or something to grab that state.

    If I get the rest of New England and Georgia, the next closest are Mississippi and Arkansas. Apparently both are about 13 hours away. At that point, we are getting to a part of the US that I just haven’t had much reason to go anywhere near so it hasn’t come up.

  20. I’m from Alaska. I have not been to Montana. I would like to visit it, however. Just haven’t gotten there yet.

  21. In Virginia right now and it would probably be Maine or Alabama. I’ve wanted to visit Maine for a while but I hate the cold so I’m only willing to go in the summer or fall and haven’t had the chance yet. As for Alabama… well do I have to say more about why I haven’t visited Alabama?

  22. Pennsylvania. Never had a pull to go there. I’d like to check out Pittsburgh if the Wings or Packers went there for a game though.

  23. I’m currently in Delaware, at work. I could be in Virginia in like two and a half hours but I’ve never been.

    I could also be in Baltimore in even less time than that but I’ve never been. I should go!

  24. Iowa. There’s not much there but still some how haven’t gone through it. Even just a little.

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