People constantly tell me that I look nerdy and an easy target. My body language is great but I’m not sure if it’s the facial expression that I make because people keep saying I look easy and innocent. I noticed people in my other look more intimidating and aggressive. How do you get this kind of look?

  1. Well id always advise people to stop worrying about their face. Now the way you dress may be something you could change. But it’s your personality that matters the most and IF you want to change anything it should be that.

    I’ve struggled with being an easy target. I didn’t know how to stop people from making fun of me and id keep going back to them because I mistook the attention for negging and bonding.

    As time has gone by I realize there’s plenty of people who are far less challenging and more loving to bond with. By not hanging out with the first bunch you establish your stance. As for being nerdy, I don’t think it is a bad thing in any area of life except social skills depending on the kind of nerd you are. The only way to break out of that is by practice, socialize as much as you can and keep meeting new people and find ways to get along with everyone as much as you can, unless they’re toxic in which case dump em. Good luck

  2. You don’t wanna look intimidating or aggressive. You do not want that. I’m pretty nerdy but I do not get harassed about it. Though I am bald with a beard, and it is totally true that people treat you different when you have a beard.

    If you are scared of looking like an ‘easy target’ I would say that that is the real problem lol

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