I used to sell sweets but everyone’s kinda clocked how bad a pack of sweets a day is for you so no one was buying any. So what else could i sell?

  1. Oil / gas is in demand at the moment.

    If you want more serious answers you really need to give more info. You are selling sweets? On ebay from your schoolbag, in your newspaper shop?

  2. “healthy treats” like cereal bars, low sugar cookies, sweets made with fruit juice, baked crisps – sure there’s more similar stuff out there

  3. Start a craze, walk round school and eveywhere else with silver headbands or bandanas tied to your head and ankles with bells tied to them. Buy an old 80’s boom box with a tape player, get some Gary Glitter tapes. You can sell the silver headbands and bandanas and Gary Glitter tapes – boom in tha money.

  4. Homemade food. Could look at baking things to sell like cookies. Or for healthier stuff you could look at savory things like pastries, pies, maybe even homemade sandwiches that you could sell for cheaper than the going rate?

  5. Honestly if you’re 16+ and you’re subtle enough about it you could sell condoms. You’d get boys buying them just for shits and giggles and to prove something. Plus you’d be promoting safe sex 🤷🏼‍♀️

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