Well we met on a party and she talked about playing a game. So I started to play(played before for a while so I sucked). While we were playing she initiated asking if i was single and asked what my prefences were, thought it was going good and asked her for a date but she was’nt available on the first one I asked and I didn’t set any followup dates after. Then when we were playing I made a bet if I did good we would go on a date, I did’nt manage to win the bet but she still was ok for the date on the same day but later said she was going to visit her grandmother in a different city for a while. So she set the date on the day she returned and I planned on the place, we were chatting daily and also playing before the date. But on the day of the date she ghosted me like wouldn’t reply or answer my calls, she didn’t follow up a message on why she wasn’t able to come until one day we met again(2 weeks after with no clear communication) irl and she said she wasn’t able to go because she was busy. We played and chatted again but then she disappeared again. I was moving on until she messaged me again to play with her, being the stupid idiot I am, I still played with her and up until now we are still chatting and playing. We also watched a movie together on discord and I really don’t know what to expect.

  1. I would move on, she seems to talk to you when she is bored. If she was truly interested she would of not stopped talking.

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