I cant book a test anywhere, I’m looking 4 months ahead now toward the end of the year now and theres still nothing available at ANY of the test centers than are even remotely commutable. It’s absolutely wild and incredibly disheartening, I’m wondering if anyone else here is in the same position or has found a better way of getting your name on the register than just waking up every morning and checking for available slots which clearly isnt working.

  1. New test slots are released every Monday at 6am. If you log on just before then and hit refresh until 6am, it’s your best shot of getting a test.

    That’s how I got mine but it’s still a nearly six-month wait. I booked it in March but it’s not until late August.

    You may be able to get something before the end of the year, but equally you may be looking at 2023 – depending on your area.

    There are apps where you can pay them to look for cancellations to get a test sooner but I’m not bothering with any of those.

    r/LearnerDriverUK is a good place for info on this kind of stuff.

    Good luck!

  2. Your instructor might be able to get you a cancellation slot. Mine did. There’s a network of instructors who ‘sell’ slots when their students cancel a test that’s already booked. They come up all the time and it’s usually only other instructors who are in the know about them through WhatsApp groups etc.
    I was looking at waiting for four months for my test, but my instructor managed to get me a cancelled slot pretty quick this way. ( I passed too, woo hoo! Hope you do too!)

  3. It’s a scam at the moment. I’ve asked my mp to look into it. The system needs reform

  4. Are there any Friday the 13ths coming up? When I booked mine (years ago mind you) I had an 8 week wait or, the only available slots any sooner was in 3 weeks, Friday the 13th, could have pretty any time of the day! Booked it Friday the 13th!

    Granted; my driving instructor turned up an hour late to pick me up, so I didn’t have time to get used to the brand new car he arrived in, which I’d never driven. Then pulling out of the test centre to start my exam, a mob of police cars with swat team in tow jumped the van directly in front of me and shut off the road, so we had to take a detour right through a busy city centre which has the world’s worst one—way system, which I’d never driven through, because it wasn’t one of the test routes! We were forced that way.

    And THEN! We got a puncture! So the “tell” me how you’d change a spare wheel became “show me!” at which point the assessor was pretty pissed off, (think something else was bothering him too as his phone kept ringing with the endless “WARNING! WARNING! The wife is calling!” ringtone) so he abruptly ended the test as we were well and truly over our alloted time and we had to walk (would have been 15 miles) but we made it about 3 miles when somebody finally came and picked us up. In the end, I got home about 7 hours later than expected.

    Instructor rings me the next day, I’m expecting some compassion. I was wrong, he was sending me an invoice for his cleaning bill of £80 to get the greasy palm prints out of his car and would no longer be willing to lend it to me for my exam or carrying out any further tuition with me.

    There was a glimmer of hope though, as apart from the first paragraph (and my examiners phone going with that ringtone) this story is complete bullshit and I passed first time.

  5. I used a website that cost about £10 and it finds cancellations for you and auto books them on your behalf. You only pay once and you get access to it for good basically. I got a test date within around 3-4 weeks back just after the second lockdown when the next test date was 6 months in advance.

  6. Yeah, I had to rebook my test back in March for work reasons and got one in June. There was plenty of availability then. Found out this week that my instructor is double booked for my test so looked to see if I could shift and nothing till September now and only one slot. From experience, if there are no slots, every day at 6am (not just Mondays) they release slots for the corresponding day in three months (ie tomorrow on 16th June at 6am you may find a slot for 16th September opens up). That’s how I had to book mine originally!

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