What is socially acceptable in the U.S. that would be horrifying in the U.K.? 💭

  1. Greeting random people like you’ve known them forever. We do it all the time here and I thought nothing of it until I read and interesting thread about Europeans visiting the US and found out that they don’t do that.

  2. Probably the lack of public transport, the Size of the US is normally completely misunderstood or misrepresented to our neighbors across the pond. You might be able to travel through multiple countries where youre at within a few hours, here it might take you a day to go through 1-2 states

    Also you’ll notice areas of our country are completely different in their political climate and culture. Politics here are just… other worldly so you might be in a shock when seeing the red team vs. blue team throughout the entire country

  3. Making tea by heating the water up in a mug, in the microwave. then filling up a third of the cup with milk. Then giving the tea bag a quick dunk in the mixture, and binning it.And finally, serving with no tea biscuit on the side.


  4. Microwaving water for tea. I learned this really pisses off the Brits.

  5. Christians picketing events or setting up “protests” at the beach calling passerbys sinners and saying they’ll go to hell if they don’t change their ways.

    Was at Miami beach a few years ago and this was going on. There were about 15 of them with microphones yelling at people – super bizarre.

  6. I bought a round of drinks for people at a bar that I just met in the UK (Wales). They were so flustered and embarrassed by it that one of them demanded to know my motivations. “Was I pulling her friend?” It took me an embarrassing amount of time to understand what that meant. I was backpacking alone and was just being friendly with new people. I wasn’t “pulling” anyone, I just didn’t want to drink alone!

  7. Like in the US folks enter their homes with shoes on; same ones they’ve been outside with. Not just the UK, in whole Europe, in most households thats totally unacceptable.

  8. Ordering an ice cold sweet tea, do that in the U.K and you’ll probably be imprisoned for life

  9. Collegeball. The idea of a university sports team selling out a stadium is very bizarre to me, and it’s something that the UK really doesn’t have an answer to (except the boat race, or possibly Oxford v Cambridge at rugby? but even then…)

  10. Being circumcised at birth.

    Edit: It seems there’s a lot of either unenlightened or ignorant circumcised people replying. I would like to point out that non-therapeutic circumcision is very much frowned upon in the western world (with the exception of the United States.) as it is rightfully seen as mutilation.

  11. When I met my British wife’s mom in a English supermarket, I commented on her fanny pack.

    In the UK, fanny means vagina.

  12. Letting people die of treatable and/or preventable illness because they can’t afford it.

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