What’s the first thing you’d buy if your income doubled?

  1. Income producing assets- bonds when stocks are up and stocks when stocks are down so that eventually they can replace my income altogether

  2. A plane ticket to an exotic location and check off a thing or two off my bucket list!

  3. Realistically? Food

    But only because what I’d actually want (house) would take a bit of time to save up

  4. Steroids and a elephant or banana thong so I can fulfill my dream of being a male stripper

  5. Are we talking a weeks wage or a 100% increase in annual pay forever?

    If a weeks wage was doubled I’d just put it in savings. If I had a permanent increase of 100% of my annual wage I’d trade my 2015 Range Rover Sport in for a brand new model.

  6. It’s not strictly buying, but I’d move into a bigger apartment. With double the income, I could probably afford a 2-bedroom…imagine the luxury!

    I guess then I’d buy a proper, full-sized computer desk instead of the little guy I’ve got now.

  7. Keep living like I am and start putting all the extra money into the stock market. DCAing in while it is going down.

  8. First thing would be one thing that my wife wanted for putting up with my shit. The second paycheck would be buying myself a real drawing desk.

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