So recently my GF(23) has become pregnant, roughly 8 weeks now so it’s still early days but a big issue we’re having is her likes and dislikes in food has changed and she doesn’t really know what she likes anymore. I’m getting frustrated with it since it makes it hard to make her food and a lot of the time she goes without eating for quite sometime untill I either spontaneously buy something for the both of us or when she out of nowhere finds something she wants to eat.

I know pregnancy can alter a womans appetite but yeah, I just wanted to ask other fathers or soon to be fathers what I can do to help relieve this issue so it’s less frustrating for us both so my partner can have more to eat during the day. What were some tactics or things people did to help with this?

  1. Whenever she realized what did aound good, I would go get it right away.

    I cooked so many meals that sounded good to her until she smelled it, and I just dealt with it.

  2. Being pregnant doesn’t give a woman a free pass or license to be a bitch……but it’s advisable and helpful if you remember, they are going through a lot both physically, mentally, and emotionally and they need your support. I went through 3 pregnancies with my wife. I made A LOT of late night ice cream runs. But she didn’t have crazy and far out there cravings. She ate what was there. But in all cases with women and men… can’t read her mind and she shouldn’t expect you to read her mind. She needs to communicate with you directly and not beat around the bush. How else are you supposed to know?

  3. Not an expecting father or anything but something you could try is satisfy the basic cravings instead of specific ones.

    Pick up stuff with focuses on sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and savory. Stuff like pickles, ice cream, fresh fruits, vegetables, jerky, cheese, and other basic things.

  4. There will be a lot of pregnancy/babies/parenting frustrations. You’ll need to get a handle on this quickly if you’re already getting miffed at this extremely early stage

    The #1 lesson fatherhood teaches is patience – embrace it….or lose your mind! lol

    …it’s no picnic for her either, here is your chance to show her your true worth& quality

    Good luck (and congratulations!)

  5. You just gotta roll with the punches. Right now I have a mental list of all the foods she can usually eat. I also have the ingredients to make foods similar in texture or flavor.

  6. As inconvenient it is for you, it’s far worse for her. Just gotta power through until the second trimester and the food aversions typically go away.

    If she’s not eating, small snacks are gonna be easier to eat than a full meal.

  7. She gets to make her own food during this time if she doesn’t want to eat what I make. Same as anyone else.

  8. If it’s mostly smells, always have food like plain mashed potatoes, rice, plain noodles available. Try to keep a stock of cereal bars/protein bars if she can manage them. Electrolyte waters/bevvies to replenish fluids, especially if she’s throwing up a lot.

    Taking her pregnancy vitamins is the major thing to keep on track.

  9. Ask the “askwomen” sub reddit. There are many pregnant woman and women who were pregnant that can help

  10. This is like…the ONE niche for those cheap buffet restaurants. She can go get a whiff of a bunch of things up and down the line and see what does or doesn’t set off pregnant tummy to start giving you an idea.

    Otherwise it’s straight up trial and error. I suggest finding something she’ll accept that can be thrown together in a few minutes so you have a backup as you discover hard no items by accident.

  11. You roll with the punches, dude. When she finds what she likes, be prepared to get that….a bunch. First kid was honey crisp apples and eggs. Second kid was sour kraut. You just adapt and make it work.

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