How often do you get your hair cut?

  1. Every 8 – 9 months (I don’t specifically wait for the 8 – 9 month mark, that’s just how long I tend to go between cuts).

  2. I have an undercut, so every 6 weeks? But only for that, otherwise I only trim the long parts when I see split ends (I’m a total hair snob, so that happens very rarely… I spend a lot of money on making sure my hair is healthy)

  3. I trim off split ends in the shower randomly when my ends tangle too much.

  4. I just even-out the back every few months or when the tips seem to be fraying. I like to keep it as long as possible.

  5. I used to go every few months, but stopped due to the pandemic. Now I just have my husband trim the back. It’s fairly wavy and you can tell if it’s not perfect. I’m saving a lot of money that I used to spend on salons.

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