What is the biggest stereotype you hate?

  1. Asians are yellow with small eyes and are really intelligent, I’m so fucking sick of that.

  2. That men don’t cry or show their emotions. Or more accurately, that is is wrong/not manly.

  3. For men I guess that men don’t like a lot of colors in their fashion. Like there’s stuff available and dudes wear it but if I go into work with a dashing red and pink floral patterned shirt everyone acts like I’m a dandy, while there are women wearing even more radical things.

  4. I read manga and study Japanese so I have to be the biggest weeb on this planet

  5. All we care about is sex. As if we don’t also enjoy feeling loved and desired in general, or that we aren’t capable of having opposite sex platonic friendships.

  6. There are worse stereotypes out there than this for sure, but this one is the one that annoys me the most frequently.

    It’s the “Moron Husband/Boyfriend”. Bleh.

  7. A truly horrible stereotype is “Fat = Lazy / unable to self-improve / waster”.

  8. I’d be considered a Negro or African American. The stereotypes associated with my ethnic background don’t really bother me. There’s good one’s and bad ones. But overall I think it’s just part of life. I can’t let the negative stereotypes impact my focus and life goals. Yes it sucks to be connected to them, but at the same time they also work in my favor. I’ll take being perceived as masculine, tall, big muscles, having a big dick(BBC), and being a bad boy.

    You can’t control how other ethnic groups feel about you. All I can do is roll with the punches and live a solid life 👍.

  9. That women need to act like all men are sexual assaulter. Don’t get me wrong, I certainly understand why that’s the case. So many horror stories out there. Hell, I was just reading a story a few minutes ago about a women suing the shipping company who’s ship she was training on aver the sexual harassment she endured. To the point she slept in her cabin’s bathroom floor clutching a knife because the guys harassing her had a master key to every lock on the ship including her cabin but not the bathroom it seems.

    It took me a long time to realize that the world is truly a terrifying place for women because there’s some truly horrible and shitty men out there. No women is safe. I’ve read or watched news clips of a rape female of all ages. From the 2 yr old who needed surgery to repair the damage to elderly women being raped in old folk homes. Women kidnapped and held captive for yrs or just outright murdered. Women talking about terrifying times when a guy would not take no for an answer and stalked them. The lenghts the men went to in order to make the woman’s like hell to the drastic steps women had to take to end it.

  10. That “finding asians attractive means you’re fetishising them”. – Said by the same people who would tell me if I only dated white people I was “racist” and “trying to keep my bloodline pure” or whatever whacko bs language leftists would use.

  11. I think it’s the “nerd” stereotype. I spent my whole childhood getting picked on for liking computers and video games. Everyone thought I was weird and girls avoided me like the plague.

    Now I have a good job in tech and people minimize it by saying it’s white, male privilege. No, it’s because I was programming my own games in free period while you were passing around mean notes about me, Emily.

  12. Being black I could go on for days, but the 2 main ones that bother me the most are that black men are absent fathers and we are criminals. Yes, there is an issue within our communities and culture where single parent household are prevalent. That’s a whole other issue and discussion for another day, but I know tons of great black fathers. We are not all drug dealers/criminals,thieves etc… Everyone I know are hardworking family oriented people. Those really grind my dam gears.


    Oh and the dick thing. Imagine whipping your wiener out and some chic is disappointed b/c you don’t have a dam baby arm between your legs!!!

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