I can’t express what are really on my mind about Mao in China’s forums not to mention it is prohibitted to discuss freely about Mao there.

I don’t think anyone who knows much about Mao would like to appreciate him imo he was just a cold-hearted, skillless and egoistic politician and I will only think of him as a big disaster of China in last century.

  1. He killed millions in his idiotic attempts to “fix” the country, tried and partially succeeded in eradicating a cultural heritage that stretches back thousands of years, and left a legacy of authoritarianism and human suffering in his wake that continues to this day.

    He’s like a 3/10.

  2. I don’t think you’re going to see anyone who thinks positively of him in this entire topic.

  3. Most of us are smart enough to understand that he was a disgusting piece of shit, a genocidal lunatic who was dumb enough to actually believe that Communism works, and who is directly responsible for the death of tens of millions.

  4. Like so many men down through history, he thought he would light the candle to bring light to the world. Instead, he set it on fire and in the process killed millions

  5. The fact that you can’t freely discuss him is pretty much all the evidence one needs to know his ideas were garbage.

  6. Chairman Mao’s Red Braised Pork Belly is a delicious dish at my local Sichuan place.

    Besides that he’s pretty bad.

  7. His policies killed millions. The scary thing is I have seen more and more Americans look at him warmly which is sick

  8. Pretty awful. We studied him quite a bit my freshman year of high school and the amount that he harmed people is really atrocious. I’d say he’s up there with Stalin in people’s opinions of him (except for maybe a super small minority who love anything with the name “communism” slapped on it)

  9. Directly responsible for more deaths than Hitler and even Stalin, and yet the average person still thinks Hitler was the ultimate evil.

  10. I put him up there with Hitler and Stalin.
    Or rather…I put him down there with them because they’re totally rotting in hell

  11. He must have been pretty charismatic to become so influential in spite of all of his awful policies.

  12. The only couple of positive things I seen from him in him was that he was willing to unite with the opposite side in the Civil War to stop the Japanese. He is also partially responsible for turning China into a major world power. China was in a very bad spot cause they seemed to be stuck between two bad regimes with no choice. It was either Mao and the communist’s or Chiang and the nationalists and neither one was good in the slightest.

    In terms of Maos rule it seemed pretty bad. The Great Leap forward was responsible for deaths of millions of people in the country. Persecuted and murdered many and launched a “cultural revolution” that destroyed many previous parts of history and resulted in the persecution and mass murder of other groups.

    Needless to say no I don’t have a very high opinion of him.

  13. I feel like telling your populace to kill all those sparrows is probably one of the biggest fuckups in history

  14. My opinion of him and his legacy could best be summed up by saying the following things I strongly believe (you can’t say in China):

    1. The Chinese Communist Party, founded by Mao Zedong, has been responsible for famine, ruin, death, destruction and generally made life terrible for China over the last 70+ years.
    2. The People’s Republic of China invaded and annexed Tibet, which was an independent country at the time.
    3. Taiwan is an independent country that is not accountable to the Chinese Communist Party government in Beijing. In fact, the Republic of China in Taiwan is the rightful and legitimate government of all China.
    4. The Chinese Communist Party is engaged in an ongoing atrocities against Uyghurs in Xinjiang province, trying to eradicate their language, religion and culture and forcibly assimilate them into mainstream Han Chinese society.
    5. The Chinese Communist Party does NOT have the authority to name the next Dalai Lama.
    6. The Tiananmen Square massacre in June 1989 was a brutal atrocity where the Chinese Communist Party crushed a peaceful pro-democracy movement.
    7. The Chinese Communist Party has broken their promises to the United Kingdom to let Hong Kong remain autonomous under the “One Country, Two Systems” model they promised.

  15. We generally put him in the “history’s greatest villains” category alongside the other men which are responsible for tens of millions of deaths. My parents can attest to the optimism much of the US had watching the post-Mao reforms happen; I think we really want China to be a free, democratic & prosperous east Asian country like the others

  16. 我們自然地討厭他。為什麼?

    Edit: 你这里可以问你的美国上的问题,我们会给你讲我们的看法,却我希望你还有小心。中国人问这种的问题可能是危险的事情。愿上帝保护你。共产党真没有克制。

  17. Mao was sub human slime who murdered countless innocent people. His legacy is one of oppression and death. I try not to judge where people end up in the afterlife but I have a feeling that wherever he is now it’s pretty warm.

  18. One of the most murderous and disastrous dictators of the twentieth century. His only real accomplishment was uniting the mainland because that’s really all China needed to become a world power again. His policies held back that country and the CCP’s primary issues today involve cleaning up his messes.

  19. He destroyed one of the most beautiful cultural traditions in human history because the past did not help his vision for the future.

  20. Aside from what others have already mentioned, one thing I read is that he never brushed his teeth. His physician said they were coated in a green film.

    Not to downplay his other atrocities, but that dude’s breath was probably on par with a war crime.

  21. Just gunna say it, Stalin killed more than hitler, and mao killed more than Stalin.

  22. Americans think of Mao about the same way they think about Stalin. A brutal, totalitarian leader.

  23. If I had the chance to go back in time and meet him, I’d get leprosy on purpose, so I could give it to him.

  24. Look at Taiwan, Chiang Kai-shek should have won. The world would have been dramatically better off… not to mention the 10s of million who died and all the lost cultural heritage. A super Taiwan would be so much better and probably more powerful than modern day China.

    Mao was a monster.

  25. In general, the vast majority of people who have studied history even at a cursory level have a very negative opinion about Mao and the cultural revolution. Remember that the United States was allies with the Kuomintang regime and the CCP troops fought ours in the Korean War.

    The massive starvation and murder caused by his regime is cited frequently, and Mao is quite often mentioned among the worst, mass murdering dictators of history along with Stalin and Hitler. He’s used as a bad example in almost every sense, and anybody praising him is often met with suspicion.

    The only people here with a positive opinion about him are Chinese students studying at our universities, anybody on the CCP’s payroll, and fringe, delusional American far leftists and communists (yes, they exist and not in small numbers).

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