I was picking up materials for work, the girl helping me find things at the supplier was pretty and seemed to want to talk. I asked if she had a boyfriend and she said no and I asked if she could put her number in my phone. She seemed a little concerned about my age and asked how old I was (22M) she said she was 19 (I do look older than I am, facial hair, also my line of work it can make it seem like that) but when I told her my age I guess she was alright with it. I asked her if she likes sushi and she said yes and then we kinda just went on our way.

I don’t know what to do now… I never ask random girls for their phone number. Do I call her? Or text? Or text and then call if she replies so that I know if she’s interested or not?

  1. That’s a tough one. You could text and say This is Wilson, thanks for your help at the supplier. It was nice to meet you today. Would you like to get dinner some time? I know a great sushi place.

  2. Ask her to go out with you to a sushi spot since you already established it’s something you both like. When you text her do a brief reintroduction then propose a date, time, and location.

    That’s pretty much it.

  3. Once you get the number you can put it in your little piggy bank of numbers and smile to yourself as you whisper “victory”

  4. Hey this is …., thanks for your help earlier. Could I make it up to you with sushi?

  5. This is a strategy I use and it works a lot. Text her to say hi, say who it is. Wait until she replies, if she seems friendly keep chatting bit keep it small, don’t go overboard. Also, check her reply time. If she responds quickly, also respond quickly or at least don’t let her waiting, if she takes her time to see the message and reply, do the same.

    If she is replying coldly, text short messages and reply lates, she’s not interest or she’s busy. If she keeps replying and being friendly, make a small conversation. Keep it short, don’t go for long messages. If the convo is going good, its really important to know when to stop texting. After a short convo, tell her you gotta bounce, don’t be cold about. This will leave her interested in keeping in touch with you and will make send her the message you into her, but not simping.

    Ask her what she likes to do, what food she likes and so on. After 3 shorts convo you can pull out the ask her out. Rushing to ask her out is not good, might make her feel you’re desperate. Taking too long is not good either, it makes her feel you’re uninterested. Best of lucks king

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