I live in a medium-sized city (\~500k) in an apartment complex. There is not much yard space and sometimes I like to sit outside and read, write, etc. and enjoy the sun. The neighbors sometimes come out and chat with me, which I don’t have a problem with – I am new to the area (about one year) and don’t mind being friendly, I try to be open minded about people because I don’t know tons of people in the area.

So this one male neighbor asked me to share numbers at one point, and I figured it was for neighbor-type stuff (I have some of the other neighbors’ numbers too)….but I’m too fucking naive and should have just said NO. I didn’t because I assumed it was platonic (yup, stupid me) and I didn’t see it as a come-on. He’s much older (15 years I’d guess) than me and knows I have a BF, so I assumed that he would KNOW I’m not interested… but no, never assume. IAnyway, I have other neighbors’ numbers so I didn’t see it as weird. In some ways I also felt awkward saying no because we see each other often. But I am not really attracted to him and don’t want to hang out etc.

That night he started texting me and I was really short in my response. He didn’t blow up my phone or anything though. A few days later he texted again and sent me a positive quote-meme thing. I was like ‘thanks I like positive sayings, have a good day.’ A few days later, another positive quote. I was polite. Again he wasn’t texting constantly but I was getting worried. Then he texted me saying he wanted to take me on his Harley which — uhm, NO. Totally unsafe, inappropriate for multiple reasons, definitely goes beyond the context of friendly neighbor. I was just kinda like “ha maybe someday!” which again, I guess I need to be more direct but I thought it would be awkward? So then he asked “what about next weeekend?” and I said “I don’t even know what I’m doing next weekend.” …. I really wanted him to get the hint, but nope, I should just be more direct (lesson learned). Anyway I decided I would just stop responding at this point, then he’ll surely get the hint. Sure enough a few days later he sent another positive quote and I didn’t respond. A few hours later he asked me to hang out, go on his motorcycle AGAIN.

At this point I realized I need to nip this in the bud, regretting my decision and knowing I’ve made a big mistake. I say “No, sorry. Also, I wanted to make sure we are on the same page. I think you are a great neighbor and I appreciate all your positive energy and our chats outside. However, I am not interested in anything more than just having a neighbor-friendship, and I also am in a relationship. I think hanging out alone and away from the property is inappropriate and I want to make sure that’s clear. Sorry for any confusion just wanted to make sure we are on the same page!” I figured he’s a grown man and can handle it without being a jerk. But he responded and made me feel totally stupid saying “well I wasn’t trying to get with you. But rest assured you made your point. Loud and clear.” +\_\_\_+ UGH. I said back, “Oh okay cool just wanted to make sure, sorry I didn’t mean any offense or anything!” No response. So he seemed to take offense even though I thought I was being as polite as possible.

SO now there are pros and cons — I got what I wanted (no more texting LOL) but now I feel like it’s gonna be awkward when we see each other outside. I’ve sorta been avoiding the spot where I normally sit bc I don’t want to run into him, and I hate that because we don’t really have much outdoor space.

Clearly I didn’t handle this well. It sucks because I don’t mind being friendly and having PLATONIC Relationships with guys, but is it even possible?! I don’t want to assume that every guy who asks for my number has these intentions — surely some people just want to be friends right?

So, questions: 1) what do I do now? Should I avoid him, or try to be friendly and say hi still? Should I move???? 2) In the future, how do I make a new friendship with someone of the opposite sex and NOT come off as interested? It seems like I say one thing and immediately the guy is all “SHE WANTS ME.” What is a better way to handle this situation?


  1. Just go on like nothing happened, be neighbor friendly and don’t bother responding much or at all to texts.

  2. Casually mention that you have a boyfriend and stop replying instantly. Or if you really want to reply take 48 hours to reply and reply with very short messages.

    You gave your number to a guy who asked for it and you keep replying to him. Of course he thinks you’re interested. You’re acting like someone who’s interested.

  3. Be more direct next time, sooner. Stop answering his messages. Tell him you don’t have time for new friends or that you don’t feel comfortable hanging out with guy friends.

    Also don’t tell him you assumed he wants to get with you. I think that he probably was but he will never admit it due to his hurt ego. That will only create awkwardness between you.

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