So I (16m) was friends with this girl (16f) from about the ages of 4 to around 9. We went from going to each other’s houses and tackling each other, play fighting, to not even greeting each other past the hallway. I moved when I was 10, and didn’t see her for another 3 years.

She was watching the basketball game, and walked past the baseline when I was in, and didn’t say anything. In warmups all my old friends had recognized me, but I guess not her. I remember her even looking pretty angry when she saw me. I don’t really know.

So now almost another 4 years have passed , and I want to reconnect. We followed each other on instagram almost 3 years ago but no contact between us. Also I should mention that her birthday is next week. I only remember that because it’s the same month as my birthday, that’s typically how I remember peoples birthdays (thank my ego for that lmao), which is how I even remembered her. What should I do to reconnect with her?

Edit: I should also mention the other people I went to school with before I moved, I tried three times with three different people over the course of a year to reconnect with them, and they all fell through. So that’s why I’m so nervous with this person. Three of them go to the same school, the fourth one (not the girl) goes to a different school. I know some of you may seem like the obvious answer is to message on instagram. But I did that already and it failed.

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