I’m an adult so cops won’t do jack shit. I’ve been sick with a 100.4f temp since last friday. It is now thursday. Doesn’t help it is 99f outside. My phone is on 73% which is not bad but i don’t want to be out here when im sick (first world problems i know) i cannot even afford to move out yet. I’m working to save up for college. Again I AM SICK I DO NOT WANT TO END IN THE ER FROM MY FEVER CAUSE THIS HOT WEATHER IS MAKING ME FEEL WORSE.

And I cannot even uber anywhere because i am locked outside with NO MASK. So what do i do??? Even my job knows why i cant come in til im better and my parents know that i have had a 100.4f temp since saturday. Advil has not brought it down. They took me off their insurance as soon as i turned 18. No bus in my town its southern georgia. I cannot afford to go spend $50k (i only have $3k to my name) to go to hospital i know this heat is not helping.

– jourdan (throwaway) will be reading all replies on my main thank you

They keep saying its an “excuse” how is burning up and sweating an excuse when never felt this way before? They are immigrants but im an american us born so idk if it is a culture difference. I work around alot of kids and adults so why risk getting others sick?

My temp has been in this range since friday/ sat- 99.9f – 100.4f advil has not helped!

  1. Okay so, I’d still call the cops, if you live there they are not allowed to lock you out of a residence.
    If they want to kick you out you need to be evicted.
    I’d at least call the non emergency number and find out what your options are if any

  2. Your sick your sick. I’m not sure what they want you to do. If you were my son I wouldn’t want you going to work or anywhere else with a fever. Hell I thought people had leaned things because of covid.

  3. Trick them and tell them to take you to work, then from there you can probably get help from your manager or something?

  4. Call the cops. I believe You are a tenant (technically) so they cannot lock you out and to kick you out they need to serve you an eviction. I’m not a lawyer.

    you may need to consider going to a shelter until you can get a place of your own

  5. Do you have a friend you can call? Can you get a hotel for a couple days.

    I am sorry this happening and hope you feel better soon.

  6. The cops can still help- there are eviction laws even for adult children. They can’t lock you out if you live tjere

  7. I agree, call an ambulance or 911. Tell them you have a fever and possibly covid and are homeless. The hospital can’t turn you down if it life threatening and they can’t force you to pay the if you have no money.

  8. Go to the library or someplace. Several hours from now they should be cooled off enough to let you back in.

  9. Maybe you have Covid? Either way you’ve been sick, very harsh for you to be put out on the streets.

  10. Can you get to a mall or somewhere that’s air conditioned? Then maybe to a friend’s house?

  11. Just wanted to say, I’m sorry OP, I had a family like this and I ran as fast as I could from them. Shifty parents are the absolute worst.

  12. I highly recommend going to CVS and getting tested for COVID. They should be able to test for free, and if you test positive, you can be prescribed antivirals for free (they help reduce the severity of the illness). Perhaps if you can produce proof of your illness, you can get your parents to let you in at least long enough to recover.

  13. Go to the hospital for your illness and ask to speak with a social worker who can help you with resources and informing you of some advocacy organizations to help you. They will also help you apply for financial support (charity) to help cover the costs. I really hope you feel better. I am so sorry you are dealing with all this. It’s not right.

  14. Not sure what to do about your parents (call police?) – but Advil is not the right thing for a fever. I’d try Tylenol.

  15. With the parent issue aside, please go get checked medically. Having a fever that will not break with medicine isn’t a good sign. You might need better meds. Even if it’s to a walk in. If you don’t have insurance ask about programs that they have which could help assist you.

    Do you have any friends that would be willing to help you out? Any other family members?

    I hope you start feeling better and can get this situation cleared up 🙁

    Edit: I just wanted to add, that even hospitals should have programs too (most, if not all medical facilities *should* ). If it comes to the point of needing to go there as well.

  16. FYI: If you need to go to the hospital, go. Hospitals are required to offer financial assistance for those who can’t pay. Fill out paperwork and submit it, you should have 100% account forgiveness if you don’t make much.

  17. It’s not going to cost you $50k to go to the hospital. If you don’t have insurance the hospital will work with you and probably write off a good chunk of whatever you owe.

    If you have $3k, I would get a cab or an Uber to a motel or something, grab a charger at a gas station, and just stay away for the night. If they don’t let you in tomorrow then call the cops to at least get your stuff.

  18. Apply for Medicaid, food stamps, section 8. I know it’s not a complete solution but it can help bridge a gap.

  19. Everyone’s giving lots of good advice but also yry tyenol to at least feel better while your locked out. Advil will not bring a fever down.

  20. In Georgia they cannot legally lock you out of your residence. They have to give you 30 days notice if they are trying to kick you out, they cannot deny you access to the house. Also, if you can get a ride to the hospital, the hospital can get you state coverage for the visit It won’t cover the doctor bill, which is ridiculous, but you can pay that off gradually

    Geez, sorry you are going through this! Pretty brutal.

  21. You’re a resident of that house and have a right to shelter. They cannot just “kick [you] out” without recourse, even for a day or two. The police will do something about *that.*

  22. Hey, so this is probably the most traumatic event of your life. Though, we aren’t at the “look back on and reminisce” stage right now. You gotta act because right now you are at 0 on Maslows hierarchy of needs . The hand has been dealt and you are where you are. It’s time to put together a plan.

    First. You are sick. We gotta fix that. Do you have any friends you can call to stay for one night? Some AC and ice water may be all you need. If you stay sick for more than 2 days or get worse m after you get inside then escalate to the ER. A roof over your head wherever you can find it is better than the sun. A store, restaurant, or public building like a library for the immediate future. You have the money for a cheap hotel or Airbnb. it’s worth it.

    Second. If your parents have locked you from your belongings including access to money and phone charger, then you need to call the police. Don’t tell them that they have locked you out, tell them they have stolen your things. You need whatever you can get from your room. Talking to the police is hard. Do not get emotional. You must convince them that you are the rational actor. State your circumstances as plainly and slowly as possible.

    Third. if you have 3k, then you should be able to get a roof over your head. Long term hotels, cheap ass Airbnb, just something to get a place while you start securing a lease. If you don’t have credit, stress that you can provide income statements.

    4. Your relationship with your parents for support is done. You cannot rely on them for anything from here on out. The BEST thing you have going for you is your job. KEEP IT.

    Five. Picture in your perfect life. Yes. Right now is the time, because the beauty of your position is that you have a blank slate. Seriously, once you can think straight really put some thought into what you want in life.

    Six. Pursue your picture.

  23. I mean, if that house is your legal residence, then the cops will have to tell your parents that they’re not legally allowed to lock you out.

    I’ve lived in California and Nevada, and this was the law in both states. If you receive mail and/or that address is on your government issued ID, then you’re legally entitled to be inside of your home.

  24. Embarrass the living hell out of them. Put up a social media post and tag every single person you can who would be able to shame your parents. Tell them you have a 100 degree temperature, your parents have locked you out of the home for not going to work with a 100 degree temperature with no mask and no way to charge your phone, and you need help just to be brought someplace you can sit in the AC before you die due to your parents illegal eviction. Make sure their work friends see it, the neighbors, anyone they might go to religious services with, your extended family. Make them the target of as much community disgust as possible.

    Also call the police. They WILL do something if you are an adult because you were illegally evicted and they are keeping your property from you.

  25. Hospitals can’t refuse services regardless if you have means to pay or not. You’ll get a bill but the worse that can happen is it affects your credit…I had a medical bill in collections and it only dinged my credit 5 points and was able to raise it back in a month. They also can’t kick you out legally without an eviction notice.

  26. I lived with abusive parents until my 30’s because I grew up hearing that it’s too expensive to live alone, I’ll never be able to afford it, etc etc.

    Moving out was the single best thing I’ve ever done in my life. I wish to god I’d moved out at 18 on the wages of my very first job. I’d rather rent a single room with strangers than live one more second with my “family.”

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