Men Of Reddit what is the one thing can make you upset?

  1. “I got a crater where my heart was I get feeling but no hard ones, see ya later”

  2. Those Karen videos on youtube, they piss me off yet I still watch them.

  3. Having to pay to register my hand made canoes. Makes me irrationally angry. It’s only $17.50 for 3 years but it isn’t about the money. I shouldn’t have to. Add it to some other shmuck’s registration who has a $100k boat.

  4. Selfishness and thoughtlessness. If you do pretty much anything that suggests you don’t give a shit about other people, you’re going to get on my bad side pretty quick.

  5. thinking about my actions being judged. basically my ex and i tried pulling off a long distance relationship without any support. literally it was all on us. we had a lot of obstacles, a lot to fight for and at one point i lost it and thought all of this for what? i cant be blamed, we gained nothing again and again but i put myself fully into it. i also made some mistakes that were bothering me, i wanted to change a lot of things plus i had the pressure of nothing being how i thought it would be after so long has passed and so much said. indeed a cowardly move and i stand behind my faults but i also wont put myself down because i gave my best to fix our distance issue. worked hard, saved money, any free weekend time, even stayed overnights alone just to be there more. i worked on it and had so much tolerance for it. i literally put myself so hard into it that i began losing myself and what i needed/wanted in order to stay happy. i needed more and i just couldnt get it. she was more than enough but when i didnt have her i felt like i had basically nothing. i think i met the right person at the wrong time, but i guess only time will prove it

  6. Fat women who exceed a horse’s maximum weight limit and then try to cancel the ranch because they wouldn’t let her break the back ( literally) of their horse by riding it.

  7. Seeing a dead animal ran over on the road with their guts spread & flies swarming

  8. When shit don’t work. Like there’s so much stuff you buy just for it to never work properly and you always need to go search the Google to find away to fix it yourself because the companies couldnt just idk, sell shit that actually does what it’s supposed to. I’m getting frustrated just thinking about it lol

  9. People being rude or a-holes just for fun of it. Alcoholics or drug users seeking attention in public.

  10. War. A lot of things can make me feel upset but that’s the thing that most affects me and seems to always get to me. Reading about it, watching war films, listening to music about war, photography on the subject. They all seem to bring out some sort of animalistic love of soldiers and hate of society. It’s odd why this tragedy seems to evoke such emotion in me as I’ve never been involved in war or even known anybody involved but that’s me I guess.

    Suicide and mental health in general is a close second.

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