ECB is coming up with new banknote designs and I wondered how many here would support releasing 1€ banknote?

I rarely use cash (only when I feel like it) but I’d still rather have 1€ banknote instead of cumbersome coins.

  1. No, I would actually prefer to get rid of the 5€ bill and get coins instead – which is unfortunately unfeasible because of to many new designs that would probably have to be created.

  2. Oh god yes. EU, bring us 1 and 2€ banknotes and get rid of the coins please, I don’t want my pocket to jingle like medieval era coin sack. Yeah and we should get rid of 1 and 2 cent coins too.

  3. Our old currency had 1000 Lire notes, which was equivalent to 50 euro cents. Transitioning to Euros it was a big shock having coins that were worth a lot more. I don’t know if I would want to go back again.

  4. I prefer coins. Paper makes me feel like I’m gonna loose it. Especially now that the UK have weird plastic Monopoly money.

  5. We went from a 10 SEK (roughly 1€) banknote to a coin, at the same time we keep dropping lower value coins. 1, 2, 5,10,25,50 öre coins, all gone. I think coins are a thing of the past. It’s always the coins that risk being too expensive to make.

  6. No, I prefer the coins. I always like looking where my Euro coins are from, if they’re a special edition etc. Meanwhile banknotes are boring and all look pretty much the same.

  7. Absolutely not. I would actually rather see a 5€ coin instead of a banknote. And get rid of 1 and 2 cent coins.

  8. No, a 1€ banknote would not be very useful. How should I get my shopping trolley?

    I’d rather have a 5€ coin instead of a bank note. Coins are heavy and shiny and there are so many national variants, whereas the bank notes are all equally dull and boring.

    My favourite coin is the Belgian 1,50€ coin from 2015… 😀

  9. Hell no, I spent some time in the US and the $1 bill was a pain in the ass the whole time.

    I’d much rather swap the 5€ for a coin, like the system in Switzerland with coins up to 5CHF. So much handier!

  10. You sure you’re not an American pretending to be a Finn?

    We’ve had ‘silver dollars’ since forever. You might have seen them or heard them mentioned in some of our Western movies. Well, not only have they not been made of silver for a very long time, for some reason everyone who’s too young to remember the 19th century seems to hate them.

    I happen to like the Euro coins. Both the 1 and 2E kind. Here’s why:

    “Hmmmm, time to dig out my winter coat. Oh, looks like I’ve got some spare change jingling around in one of the pockets. Let’s see, how much… hot damn, I’ve got enough for a beer and a sandwich!”

  11. No, in fact it’d be better if 5€ notes were coins – they just get damaged much faster, which is why they had to introduce new 5€ notes a few years ago.

  12. No. Absolutly not. Would be barely useable since everything is designed for coins. Also I don’t want such small banknotes mixing with the larger ones.

  13. I’d rather have a banknote, really hate all theses coins piling up in my wallet and making it heavy

  14. Naah I disagree. I almost never use cash but I keep coins with me for emergencies, plus a 20 Euro bill. To have lots of bills around would make things more complicated.

  15. I like coins for the novelty of them, I haven’t actually used cash for a few years though.

  16. I can’t find the info right now but IIRC a swedish 20 kronor [2€] note has a life span of less than a year while coins have decades. Also from the same source I read years ago was that it costs about 0.7 kronor to replace a note (without the foil). Although coins are more expensive to make, they over time are cheaper in the long run

    Coins should replace notes when inflation makes them less valuable, not the other way around

  17. Hell no!!!

    You know what? Make also the 5€ into a coin as well.

    And get rid of the brown coins, 0.01€ 0.02€ and 0.05€

    Hate them and are costing more than the actual value.


  18. Definitely not. I’d actually go the opposite direction, the Deutsche Mark had 5 Mark coins and notes.

  19. I would prefer if I could pay by card everywhere.
    Since you are from Finland I am not sure of how aware you are about things in the rest of Europe, but being able to pay by card is not a standard thing in Austria and Germany.

    Sometimes they don’t accept it at all and sometimes they do accept it, but only if you pay at least x euros. Still need cash way too often here.

  20. I don’t like coins, I don’t have any wallet with a pocket to carry coins, I rarely have banknotes, coins are a pain in the ass.

  21. Ugh, next you’ll say you prefer a money clip over a wallet too. Single euro bills would be so cumbersome, please no.

  22. I’d rather have a coin. Because on the rare occasion I buy something from a vending machine, I’d rather not start straightening a note.

    Also not to mention the fact that smaller bills like the 5€ rarely get checked for forgery, so a 1€ bill could create a shit ton of fake money. Although that’s not very likely. But it would create inflation as coins would still be in circulation.

    So I honestly see zero reason to switch/print a 1€ bill. The negatives outweigh the positives on this one.

  23. We used to have 20 crowns as smallest bank note, it was around 0,80€ when transitioned. It was wierd at first, but now I prolly wouldnt go back. Its nice to get surprised sometimes at how much money I have in a coin pocket on my wallet.

  24. Too little too late. €1 notes should have been issued back in 2001. By not happening, it created artificial inflation when vendors rounded up prices to €5, which just destroyed day-to-day budgets.

    Most importantly, get rid of the €500 note, it is the note of choice for money launderers and drug cartels.

  25. I never use notes anyway but having a €1 note instead of coins would be one of the dumbest ideas of this year

  26. We used to have a 1Ft banknote, than it became a coin, than it was withdrawn from circulation; nowadays that would be €0.0027.

  27. What is this cash you speak of?

    Is it like bartering the spoils of your hunt for gathered grains and berries?

  28. I haven’t paid with cash in ages, but it’s easier to have a few coins in the pocket of your coat than having to store banknotes. Banknotes would have to go into my wallet which I’d then forget about since I never pay cash and never have a wallet with me anymore (my important cards are in my phone case). At least I’ll feel those coins every time I put my hands in my pocket.

  29. Sure why not. I don’t have coin pocket in my wallet. Also it would be cooler to give a nice pack of notes than coins.

    Normally I do not use cash at all, but when going to trip to Austria or Germany it is necessary.

  30. I almost only use coins (i have credit card but it’s harder to control the exact amounts you are paying with that) and honestly no. I like coins. I know they are not the cleanest thing but still, i like to have a place in my purse for coins and a place for notes

  31. I remember the old £1 note.. 🥲

    But no. Fuck having stacks of them again. Keep the smallest note a fiver.

  32. No I would not. I like coins, they’re pretty and it’s fun to see where they’re from and what year they were made in. On top of that, I like that I can immediately tell what’s worth more and less (coins for super small purchases, notes for bigger purchases)

  33. I much preferred the £1 note when it was around. Don’t know if I’d want it now though. I think it was somewhere around the ’80s when £1 bought you a lot more than it would now. It would probably cost you £5 now to buy what was £1 then.

  34. No. It still annoys me that 5€ is a note and not a coin, as it should be. I’d rather have coins instead of cumbersome banknotes. The old 5 DM coins we had were glorious. There was also a 5 DM note, but that was barely used because coins are just nicer.

  35. As we need coins a lot here (shopping carts, vending machines, park meters) no, not really.

  36. Abso-fucking-lutely not

    I mean we don’t actually use Euros in Denmark, but I’ve done a fair bit of traveling so I do use Euros quite a bit

    I’ve also been to America, and let me tell you, it’s SO fucking annoying to have all those loose dollar bills around, you just end up with a pocket full of crumbled up bills and it’s so annoying. A coin is so much easier

  37. I can’t really remember when I last used cash for anything… So it doesn’t matter to me at all…

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